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New Student Television Segment Gets Real

New Student Television Segment Gets Real


The student-run television program 20CSTV News is getting more in touch with the campus this semester, starting with its new segment “Real Talk.”

The new feature, hosted by senior communication studies major Ethan Costigan of Pawling, N.Y., made its debut Oct. 27 during 20CSTV’s normal 6 p.m. time slot. The segment — dedicated to popular cultural happenings around the world — follows the regular three- to six-minute 20CSTV News program, formally known as “Blazing News.”

During the first edition of the feature, Costigan discussed Hurricane Patricia and its effect on Mexico’s Northwest Coast for the world news portion. The highly anticipated new “Star Wars” movie and its new trailer was his choice of topic for the segment’s pop culture section.

“Real Talk” is broken down into three parts:

  • What’s going on in the world, with some background.
  • What’s happening in popular culture.
  • “The Good Word”: a positive message or a reflection quote for viewers to think about that hopefully will bring a good vibe to their day.

Before the broadcast, the 12-person crew for 20CSTV News rotated positions, taking turns as field reporters and anchors as they covered events on the SUNY Cortland campus and in the Cortland community.

Sophomore undeclared major Alyssa Marley of Newburgh, N.Y., anchored the latest episode to air while senior education major Andrea Carruth of East Northport, N.Y., took to the field and covered another event.

“It was my first time going out into the field by myself so it was very exciting,” Carruth said.

A future television broadcaster works with a piece of equipment during taping of "Live Talk.

“The Good Word” for the inaugural “Real Talk” was an inspirational quote by Bruce Lee: “Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow… or it can crash.”

Costigan ended the show by reminding his viewers to “Be water, my friends.”

“I wanted to bring about the news in a new light,” he said. “This segment is a little bit more in touch with the “real world” and brings about conversation and a positive message.”

Over the past few years, the program’s treatment of the news has outgrown the formula of talking heads in the studio, noted 20CSTV President Justine Marschner, a senior communication studies major from Nassau, N.Y.

“It has evolved to more than just the news room,” she said. “It’s a more mature and developed program, simulating real-life news.”

Campus community members are encouraged to tune in to “Real Talk” and 20CSTV News every Tuesday afternoon or to stay current through the group’s YouTube channel. Students can join 20CSTV by attending a meeting at 6 p.m. on Tuesday nights in Corey Union, Room 207.

Prepared by public relations intern Jenel Colon