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Pristash to Direct Corey Union and Campus Activities

Pristash to Direct Corey Union and Campus Activities


Kevin Pristash ’85, M.A. ’91 recently was named director of Corey Union and campus activities.

Pristash, the director since 2013, was hired to help manage Corey Union in 1986 after graduating from Cortland with a bachelor’s degree in history. He earned his master’s in the same field in 1991, when he was made assistant director.

He has served on various college committees and chaired the college task force charged with creating and implementing new programming around Cortaca Jug, the College’s annual rivalry football game against Ithaca College.

Pristash replaces Michael Whitlock, who managed Corey Union and campus activities for more than three decades and retired Feb. 9. Whitlock was designated executive director of Corey Union and campus activities emeritus.