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Top College Official To Lead Statewide Group

Top College Official To Lead Statewide Group


William E. Shaut, SUNY Cortland’s vice president for finance and management, recently became president of the State University of New York Business Association (SUBOA), which represents the top fiscal officers of 34 SUNY campuses across New York.

Shaut, who had been first vice president of the organization, became the group’s top leader earlier this month when former SUBOA president Brian Hutzley was tapped to replace Monica Rimai as interim senior vice chancellor for the SUNY system. He had been scheduled to begin a two-year term as SUBOA’s president in January, but Hutzley’s departure put him in the influential post seven months early.

The association works closely with SUNY Central administration on financial issues and the implementation of SUNY policies at the campus level. This year, for example, the organization was actively involved with determining how state budget cuts would be allocated among schools in the SUNY system.

“We represent the campus position to the system,” Shaut explained. “People in Albany may not know how decisions will affect individual campuses, and we bring them that perspective. “

SUBOA represents all SUNY campuses except community colleges. It is expected to play an important role in helping to determine policies and procedures related to the recently approved “rational tuition plan” and many other financial management issues.

“This is a time of both great challenge and great opportunity for all SUNY campuses,” SUNY Cortland President Erik Bitterbaum said. “We are fortunate to have someone with Bill’s knowledge, talent and experience looking out for our best interests.”

Shaut was appointed vice president for finance and management in April 2004, after serving in the post as interim vice president since June 2002.

Shaut was originally hired at SUNY Cortland as the associate vice president of finance in 2000. Prior to that, he was the vice president for business affairs at St. Joseph's College in Rensselaer, Ind., from 1997 until joining the Cortland staff.

A native of Clinton, N.Y., Shaut earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Utica College of Syracuse, and both his master's and doctoral degrees in educational administration from SUNY Albany.

Shaut is married to Dr. Barbara Harvey and has three children: Taylor Shaut of Utica; Hannah Harvey-Sampson and Maxwell Harvey-Sampson, both of Sayre, Pa. Shaut and his wife split time living in both Cortland and Sayre.