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Proposals Sought for Sesquicentennial Celebration

Proposals Sought for Sesquicentennial Celebration


Are you up for the sesquicentennial challenge?

In honor of SUNY Cortland’s 150th year of continued excellence, the College is looking to its faculty, staff and students for engaging proposals on ways to recognize its unique culture, proud tradition and academic and athletic achievements.

And it’s set aside a pot of $20,000 in grant money to help them do it.

The best proposals put forth by March 9 will win a share of those funds.  The money will help each proposal’s sponsor create — and play a leading role in — an event, exhibition, contest, speaker series, concert, campaign or anything else that educates and celebrates the College’s history.  At this point, the only limit is imagination. We encourage interested members of the College community to think broadly, creatively and inclusively.

The winning proposals will become part of SUNY Cortland’s official Sesquicentennial Year Celebration, which will run from July 2018 through July 2019.

This could be a great project for a student group or organization, an academic class, or a faculty or staff member’s area of particular interest. 

To submit a proposal, simply fill out the online application.

If you have questions, please contact Sesquicentennial co-chairs Mary Kate Boland or Erin Boylan. Please note, sesquicentennial grants may not be used for salaries, honoraria or travel for SUNY Cortland faculty, staff or students.