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SUNY Cortland supports CROP Hunger Walk

SUNY Cortland supports CROP Hunger Walk


A record for the most money raised — over $13,000 — was made at this year’s 25th annual Cortland area CROP Hunger Walk on Oct. 27. The SUNY Cortland community made up 371 of the 421 walkers and raised $7,628.63.

This was the 14th year that SUNY Cortland was a major factor in the success of the walk. Area churches had 46 walkers. As always, 25 percent of the funds raised will return to the local community to support food pantries and feeding programs. The remainder will go to anti-hunger programs around the world.

For the fourth year in a row, SUNY Cortland’s women’s softball team won the athletic team plaque with a record of

Members of the SUNY Cortland women's softball team 

$3,075. Delta Phi Epsilon won the Greek community plaque by raising a record $1,290. Other winners were the AED 329 social studies/history class with $720 and among COR 101 freshmen classes, the COR of History team won with $230 raised. The James M. Clark Center for Global Engagement underwrote a series of plaques recognizing the winners.

SUNY Cortland’s Alpha Phi sisters staffed Student Life Center sign-up tables, registration tables the day of the walk, traffic points and the water stop on the three-mile route. SUNY Cortland’s Rock, Jazz and Blues Ensemble provided entertainment for the gathering ahead of the start.


Crislyn Nolan, left, and Alexis DiBartolo
hold the Delta Phi Epsilon award