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College Writing Contest Offers $100 Cash Prize

College Writing Contest Offers $100 Cash Prize


A polished piece of writing could score SUNY Cortland students a $100 cash prize in the College Writing Contest.

The annual call for written works is open to students in all majors and at any level of study. Entries, which must have been written in 2012, may be submitted by students or faculty members.

The deadline to submit is Friday, Dec. 21.

The College Writing Committee this year will present awards for outstanding undergraduate and graduate student writing in several categories.

First-place winners in each category will receive a $100 cash prize in addition to having their work published and the opportunity to present at Transformations: A Student Research and Creativity Conference.

Preference will be given to student writing composed for a SUNY Cortland course and students can enter multiple submissions in multiple categories.

The writing categories include:

  • Academic Writing (papers based on sources or other data, both original research projects and short class assignments)
  • Academic Writing from Composition Courses
  • Fiction (short stories or scripts)
  • Poetry
  • Creative Nonfiction (memoirs, personal essays or travel writing)
  • Media (websites, blogs or videos)
  • Writing about The Kite Runner
  • Writing for Teacher Research
  • Personal (Non-assigned) Writing

Participants are asked to submit only electronic entries by following these guidelines:

  • Type the entry in a Microsoft Word document.
  • Type your Cortland ID number on the paper but do not put your name on the paper itself.
  • Attach the entry to an email message. In the subject line, identify the category of the submission. An example would include: “Academic Writing for College Writing Contest 2012”
  • In the body of the email, list your name, Cortland ID number, the title of the submission, the category of the writing, the course for which the paper was submitted and the name of the course professor if it is applicable.
  • Send the email and the attachment to Priscilla Harvey, keyboard specialist I for the English Department, at

Students are allowed to enter multiple submissions in one or more genres. However, each submission should receive its own email.

For more information, contact Professor David Franke by email or at (607) 753-5945 or Distinguished Teaching Professor Mary Lynch Kennedy.