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Share Your Good News, Class Notes Submissions Online

Share Your Good News, Class Notes Submissions Online


Are you itching to know which classmates recently tied the knot, or to share the announcement of your recent job promotion?

SUNY Cortland alumni now easily can share all of their good news thanks to one of the new Red Dragon Network’s most innovative features: online submissions and searches for Class Notes.

A process that in the past relied on individual paper and email submissions now can take place with a few clicks in a matter of seconds. And perhaps the best part: Red Dragons no longer must wait until they receive a printed version of Columns, the College’s alumni magazine, to learn about the successes of their friends and former classmates.

It’s just one of the ways the Alumni Association’s new online community allows the College’s nearly 70,000 graduates to interact and share information — whether it’s a birth or adoption, a new academic degree, an engagement, a recent move or anything in between.

Graduates can submit their own class notes under the Connect section of the Red Dragon Network or they can search the class notes of others in the News category. They even can filter the ones they are interested in the most — by class year, date submitted and type of news. Eventually, new class notes will be shared monthly in Moments, the College’s alumni e-newsletter.

It’s important for users to note that they first must register and log in to the Red Dragon Network to access the Class Notes feature.

Any questions about the benefits or the features of the new online community can be directed to the College’s Alumni Affairs Office at or 607-753-2516.