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GE referendum ends Feb. 3


After two years of discussion, SUNY Cortland faculty and staff are participating in a referendum that would modify the college’s general education requirements to help make it easier for students to graduate on time.

Eligible faculty and staff members can read the details of the proposal and cast their votes online.  Click “yes” or “no” and cast your ballot by clicking “done.”

The deadline for casting ballots is 4 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 3.

The proposal would eliminate two of SUNY Cortland’s 13 required general education categories, bringing it closer in line to the 10 GE categories mandated by the SUNY system.

If approved, western civilization will become an elective and will no longer be a required course category for all graduates. It would, however, still be offered as an option to fulfill the 30 general education credits needed for graduation.

The proposal would also eliminate one of the two science categories currently required under the college’s current general education policies. If approved, the new policy would require all students to take one, 4-credit science course with a lab as a prerequisite for graduation.

The referendum also asks faculty and staff to modify the description of the general education category of Science, Technology, Values and Society to strengthen the focus on how scientific methods apply to the analysis of, and judgments about, social issues. 

If approved, the changes will go into effect this fall.

All permanent and term faculty with academic rank, including librarians, are eligible to vote.  So are staff members with permanent or term appointments, as well as all employees designated as management/confidential.

The proposal reflects more than a year of work by the college’s general education committee and the input of many members of the SUNY Cortland community. The Faculty Senate voted to hold the referendum last semester.