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Cast Announced for ‘Once Upon a Mattress’

Cast Announced for ‘Once Upon a Mattress’


SUNY Cortland’s Performing Arts Department has announced the cast for its production of “Once Upon A Mattress,” a musical comedy based on the Hans Christian Andersen fable The Princess and the Pea.

The play will be performed in Old Main Brown Auditorium Friday, April 5, to Sunday, April 7, and Friday, April 12, to Sunday, April 14, with 8 p.m. curtain calls on Fridays and Saturdays and Sunday matinees beginning at 2 p.m.

The traditional musical comedy was a Broadway hit in 1959, and was further popularized in television adaptations starring Carol Burnett in 1962, 1964 and 2005. The story follows Princess Winnifred as she seeks the hand of Prince Dauntless the Drab. Trouble arises when the prince’s mother, Queen Aggravain, insists that her son marry only a true princess — that is, one who is sensitive enough to feel a pea that is beneath a stack of mattresses. The princess must pass the test if there is any chance of living happily ever after. 

The cast features Annali Fuchs as Princess Winnifred; Carly Merrill as Lady Larken; Lindsey Galgano as Queen Aggravain; Emily Freeman as Nightingale; Catherine Skojec as Princess #12; Ben Shimkus as Minstrel; Paul Warren Smith as Prince Dauntless; Joey Gugliemelli as Wizard; David Newman as King Sextimus; Rasheem Ford as Sir Harry; and Tim Fuchs as Jester.

The Ensemble Players include Christina Jackson, Melissa Pipher, Allie Tamburello, Jacqui Fisher, Camille Parlman, Samantha Chiodo, Georgiana Nadine Jordan, Jack O’Donnell, Kevin Rayo, Will Rivera, Billy Swenson, Hailey Berkowitz and Lauren Collins.

The director/choreographer is Kevin Halpin and musical director/conductor is Richard Montgomery. Howard Lindh is the set designer; Preston Mayre is the technical director; Joel Pape is the lighting and sound designer; Mark Reynolds is the costume designer; and Patti Laird is the stage manager.

Admission is $18 for the general public, $15 for seniors and SUNY staff, and $8 for all students and children. Tickets may be purchased at Jodi’s Hallmark shop on Main Street, Cortland, or at the door of Brown Auditorium immediately prior to each performance. “Once Upon A Mattress” is recommended for all audiences.

For more information, visit the Performing Arts Department website or call 607-753-2811.