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International Education Week begins Nov. 16

International Education Week begins Nov. 16


International Education week will focus on the impact that international students have on the SUNY Cortland community and how international students are changed by their time spent at Cortland.

"International students are an integral part of our community," said Kayla DeCoste, senior International Programs coordinator. "But I don't think we discuss their impact enough."

Several panels, contests and projects are offered throughout the week of acknowledgment to the university’s international students and those who take part in a study abroad program.

The week’s activities include:

Monday, Nov. 16

At 4 p.m., the Going Abroad After College: Graduate Study, Work, and Teaching Abroad Webex event will assemble Cortland alumni with current students interested in scholarship in another country after graduation. Lyndsey Dolan King ’15, Kelsilyn Norman ’20, and Pedro Zayas ’17 will reflect on their own experiences abroad to advise present undergraduates.

Tuesday, Nov. 17

Voting for this year’s Study Abroad Photo Contest will end that day by 11:59 p.m. Until then, students may vote for the popular choice award in three categories. The winner and runner-up in each category will be announced on Wednesday, Nov. 18.

Wednesday, Nov. 18

Study Abroad 101 is a weekly virtual presentation for those interested in studying abroad in the future. This seminar, offered at 3 p.m., guides students through the entire study abroad process. From program selection to costs and scholarship opportunities, students are informed on how to study overseas.

Ongoing events

Throughout the week, members of the Cortland community are encouraged to fill out a form sharing how the university’s international students impacted the community. Likewise, International Programs asks its international students to fill out a form reflection on how their time at SUNY Cortland has impacted their lives. Submissions will be shared during International Education Week on International Programs’ social media.

Additionally, SUNY Cortland study abroad alumni have been asked to submit photos and reflect on their experiences abroad. Submissions towards this ongoing project also will be posted on International Programs’ social media.

Prepared by Communications Office writing intern Nick Boyer