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President's Cabinet Approves New College Video Policy

President's Cabinet Approves New College Video Policy


A new policy for official video has been approved by the President’s Cabinet.

It can be referenced in the videography section of the Communication Guide.
This policy is intended to ensure that video production efforts:

  • coordinate with College-wide marketing and communications efforts.
  • contribute positively to the SUNY Cortland brand.
  • prevent redundant promotional efforts.
  • meet SUNY Cortland’s standards for production quality.
  • adhere to accessibility guidelines and requirements.

All faculty and staff are expected to follow this policy, as well as students who are creating content on behalf of a department or office.


  • Content produced by student(s) for a class, club or personal use.
  • Content used by or produced for faculty for classroom use.
  • Content that is neither produced by or for SUNY Cortland

Faculty and staff tasked with planning or producing a video project are encouraged to schedule a training session to review the procedures and best practices for audio/video content. Individuals who have not received training will need to submit content for review before it can be published through any public SUNY Cortland channel.

Please direct questions or concerns about the new policy to Casey Hickey, web and digital marketing specialist, at ext. 2533.