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National Philanthropy Week Tradition Continued

National Philanthropy Week Tradition Continued


Imagine being a SUNY Cortland student on a campus that doesn’t have newly renovated classrooms, up-to-date technology and a scholarship program.

That’s what student Christopher Gutierrez, a programming intern with The Cortland Fund, asked the campus community in a series of electronic communications during Philanthropy Week, which was celebrated from Nov. 13 to Nov. 17, for a fourth year at the College.

“We would not have the resources needed to get the best education possible,” said Gutierrez. 

“That is where the philanthropists come in. Thanks to their generous contributions, we have access to all of these things, and so much more. These gifts improve the academic experiences of the students and greatly affect the lives of everyone on campus.”

National Philanthropy Day was Wednesday, Nov. 15. During Philanthropy Week, the College offered giveaways for students and information on how they can give back to important causes, help to educate students on the importance of philanthropy and celebrate the many individuals across the nation who choose to make contributions to important causes — like affordable, quality higher education.

Gutierrez shared ways the campus community can work on making the campus better even though National Philanthropy Week is over:

Join SPARK: SPARK is a Student Government Association club that allows students the opportunity to make a difference at the College. They host numerous events and fundraisers on campus that students and alumni are invited to be a part of, including Red Dragon Pride Day, Halloween Extravaganza and Senior Send Off. SPARK meets every Monday at 6 p.m. in the Caleion Room in Corey Union.

Volunteer and Give: Students, faculty and staff, alumni and friends do not have to be in Cortland to make a difference. Individuals can make a gift to a fund that matters to them. Alumni can volunteer with the nearest alumni chapter.

Spread the Word about Philanthropy: Campus community members are now ready to share with friends and family what they have learned during Philanthropy Week.

Philanthropy Week is a time set aside every year to honor the great work done by generous people all across the country, said Natasha McFadden, assistant director of The Cortland Fund, the College’s annual giving program, which benefits students directly with the money it raises.

“The impact that philanthropists have on society is more significant than could ever be measured, and we want to ensure students understand that impact,” McFadden said. “At SUNY Cortland, donations affect every facet of the academic experience and make a daily difference.”

“The week also lets us highlight all the great things our alumni do in return for the great education they received, whether it’s to establish a scholarship or make their annual contributions to The Cortland Fund,” McFadden said.

College students and staff members were available during the week to offer their insights into ways people give back to SUNY Cortland at tables in Brockway Hall, Neubig Hall and the Student Life Center.

At those sessions, student interns with The Cortland Fund and Alumni Engagement office hosted a variety of games in which prizes were offered.

Students also were invited to keep up by posting images on social media about why they appreciate the College’s supporters with the #CortlandGives hashtag.

“We hope that sharing the impact of our current supporters will inspire the next generation of donors,” McFadden said. “Our wish is that our students will remember that many are giving now to their education and that the students will choose to ‘pay it forward’ when they graduate.”

For more information, contact McFadden at 607-753-4910.
