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Student’s Videos Highlight Jets’ Camp

Student’s Videos Highlight Jets’ Camp


Ever wonder how SUNY Cortland comes up with those huge estimates of the economic impact that the New York Jets’ Training Camp has on the region? ($5.8 million in 2010, in case you were wondering.)

Or what it must be like, from a little kid’s perspective, to run through the inflatable obstacle course at Jets Fest, the elaborate playground set up each year for camp? Or to attend the Jets’ annual Green and White Practice, New York’s hottest warm-up?

Then you should check out the Jets section on SUNY Cortland’s YouTube page, SUNYCortlandTV.

The videos were taken and edited this summer by Ryan Walker, a junior physical education major with a passion for videography. He created the videos as part of a summer internship with the College’s Public Relations Office.

You may be familiar with Walker’s work; he is the student responsible for the “Call Me OA” video parody created this summer by SUNY Cortland orientation assistants.

New York Jets Training Camp attracted more than 35,000 visitors to the SUNY Cortland campus this summer. SUNY Cortland economics and geography majors surveyed attendees as part of the College’s annual economic impact survey. The students are gathering information from local businesses and analyzing their data. They expect to have a completed report sometime this fall.