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SUNY Cortland observes Earth Week

SUNY Cortland observes Earth Week


SUNY Cortland, nationally recognized leader in sustainability, is celebrating Earth Week with a series of educational events on topics ranging from sustainable green politics to the world’s melting ice caps.

“Sustainability and smart stewardship are celebrated daily on this campus, but at this time of year we like to focus especially closely on environmental issues that impact all of our lives,” President Erik J. Bitterbaum said.

Earth Day is Thursday, April 22. Created in 1970 to support environmental protection, that date is now observed annually in 193 countries. In many places, including the SUNY Cortland campus, events stretch over several days, into an Earth Week.

Earth Week 2021 events include:

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: virtual sandwich seminar by SUNY Cortland’s Sustainability Coalition will explore the UN’s framework as a guide for campus. Wednesday, April 21 at 12:30 p.m. Join online via Webex.

Environmental political strategy: policy roundtable by United University Professions to strategize about persuading Albany lawmakers to reduce SUNY’s carbon footprint, expand degrees and training for green jobs, establish battery storage pilot programs on campuses and other sustainable initiatives. Thursday, April 22 at noon. Register online.

People power: A discussion about building public support needed to move New York to a future of cleaner water, more breathable air and 100% renewable energy, sponsored by New York Public Interest Group. Keynote speaker is Judith Enck, former regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency and president of Beyond Plastics, a nonprofit group fighting plastic pollution. Thursday, April 22, 5 p.m. RSVP online.

Eyewitness to Climate Change: Explorer and photographer David Thoreson uses images during his polar journeys to demonstrate how climate change is impacting our ocean systems and global environment. Thursday, April 22, 7 p.m. Register via Zoom. (Meeting ID: 893 0533 5466, passcode: 470362)