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Pamela Schroeder Honored for Service

Pamela Schroeder Honored for Service


Pamela Schroeder, whose responsiveness, patience and excellent communication skills make her a welcome sight when sorting out academic matters, was honored with the prestigious 2014 President’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.

SUNY Cortland President Erik J. Bitterbaum presented the award to Schroeder, a secretary II to the associate provost in the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Office, on Dec. 5 at the 45th annual Service Awards Ceremony.

Sponsored by the College’s Human Resources Office, the ceremony was held in the Corey Union Function Room.

“Everyone recognizes Pam for her can-do attitude, her professionalism and her outstanding work ethic,” Bitterbaum said. “We are very fortunate to have Pam working at SUNY Cortland.”

The award was created in 2002 to annually recognize one SUNY Cortland full-time classified service employee “for extraordinary achievement and to encourage the continuation of excellence.” Nominees must have at least three years of continuous service. Supervisors, co-workers or other College community members nominate the workers considered for this honor.

Schroeder joined SUNY Cortland in 1988 as a senior stenographer working in the Sperry Learning Resources Center. Five years later, she moved over to Training and Production Services and in 1996 to Classroom Media Services. Schroeder was transferred in 2003 to the Research and Sponsored Programs Office.

In 2010, she was promoted to secretary II in the division where she works today.

Before she came to SUNY Cortland, Schroeder served the New York State Office of Mental Health for six years at increasing levels of responsibility. Hired in 1982 as a secretary/receptionist for the office in Albany, N.Y., she was promoted in 1984 to stenographer. After moving to the Syracuse, N.Y., office, her position was upgraded to keyboard specialist I.

Schroeder is credited with being a hard-working and helpful colleague who embraces new tasks with a leader’s zeal, consistently going well above and beyond what is expected of her. Many of her accomplishments happen behind the scenes as she provides critical support to the college curriculum committees, search committees and graduate students.

“Pam handles challenges and change with great adaptability and a very positive attitude,” said her supervisor Carol Van Der Karr, the associate provost. “Pam is willing to shift schedules and always find a way to fit everyone in.”

Schroeder is accessible and responsive in dealing with a busy campus community.

“It is not unusual for Pam to get a call from someone starting with, ‘Pam, I know this isn’t your area, but could you help me …’ because of her collegiality and knowledge,” Van Der Karr said.

As the primary contact for the graduate students who are awarded Graduate Faculty Executive Committee research grants, Schroeder assists the scholars from the time they are awarded the funding through completing their reimbursement paperwork.

“For many students, this is their first experience and they, and their faculty sponsors, rely greatly on Pam’s guidance,” Van Der Karr said.

Schroeder also has developed an outstanding understanding of curriculum, campus governance and campus and SUNY policies.

“She is a primary resource for questions on SUNY procedures for curriculum change and coordinates all submissions and major revisions of academic programs to SUNY and the state Education Department,” Van Der Karr said.

Moreover, the 26-year College employee has been a driving force in many programs that enrich the campus and community. Schroeder participated in the State Employees Federated Appeal campaign, chaired the Auxiliary Services Corporation Finance Committee, and was the first person elected as the classified representative to the Faculty Senate, on which she recently completed eight years of service. Her creativity was evident when she served on the SUNY Wellness Challenge steering committee, providing support to more than 260 campus participants in the very successful event.

“Pam was one of the most active members of the committee, developing the Challenge Chatter newsletters, weekly contests and an awards ceremony for the event,” Van Der Karr said. “Because of her enthusiasm and ideas, people stayed engaged and motivated throughout the event.”

She was honored with the annual Accrual Achievement Award for the 2010-11, 2012-13, and 2013-14 academic years.

She and her husband, Mark, live in East Freetown, N.Y. They have two daughters, Stephanie, an engineer, and Katie, a nursing student.

A gourmet cook, Schroeder loves to experiment in the kitchen. She enjoys camping and fishing, especially on the St. Lawrence River. She breeds Labrador retrievers and has three of them.

Employees Honored for Years of Service

Also during the ceremony, 35 classified employees were recognized for their years of service. They included: 


Ella Dorman, Library Clerk 3, Library  

Dianne Bays-Guido and Genevieve Herrling
Dianne Bays-Guido and Genevieve Herrling


Dianne Bays-Guido, Supervising Janitor, Custodial Services

Genevieve Herrling, Secretary 1, Educational Leadership Department 


Jeanne Clink, Janitor, Custodial Services

Charlene Lindsey, Secretary I, Field Placement

Helen Low, University Police Officer 1, University Police

Bonnie Merchant, Secretary 1, Admissions

Darlene Phillips, Keyboard Specialist 2, Campus Activities and Corey Union Office

Joseph Stockton, Janitor, Custodial Services


Jeanne Clink
Jeanne Clink
Bonnie Merchant
Bonnie Merchant
Darlene Phillips
Darlene Phillips
Joseph Stockton
Joseph Stockton

Douglas Adsit, Cleaner, Custodial Services

Lucinda Compagni, Secretary I, Communications

Michelle Congdon, Principal Clerk Personnel, Human Resources

Sherry Ellis, Library Clerk 3, Library

Amanda Halliwell, Secretary 1, Sociology/Anthropology

Janet Hegedus, Secretary I, Educational Opportunity Program

Kathleen Hudson, Secretary I, Administrative Computing Services

Nancy Mead, Information Technology Specialist 1, Library

Theresa Montez, Secretary 1, Recreational Sports

Jane Rawson, Cleaner, Custodial Services

Teresa Ripley, Secretary 1, Facilities Management Office

Neeca Root, Administrative Aide, Student Conduct Office

Scott Suhr, Laboratory Helper, Biological Sciences Department


John Aldrich, Electrician, Maintenance

Ann Cutler, Secretary 1, Multicultural Life and Diversity Office

Daniel Dryja, Head Grounds Supervisor, Grounds

Priscilla Harvey, Keyboard Specialist 1, English Department

Virginia Karpenko, Secretary 1, Research and Sponsored Programs

Ryan Kleveno, Motor Equipment Mechanic, Motor Pool

Tanya Lowie, Cleaner, Custodial Services

Robert Maarberg, Plant Utilities Engineer 1, Heating Plant

Cynthia Perelka, Calculations Clerk 2, Student Accounts

Lou Anne Simons, Library Clerk 2, Library

Pamela Smith, Secretary 1, Chemistry

Jennifer Stiles, Secretary I, Communication Disorders and Sciences

Patricia Wolff, Clerk 1, Duplicating Center