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College Offers Fall ‘Wellness’ Series


SUNY Cortland will host the Fall 2009 “Wellness Wednesday Series” featuring speakers, exhibits, self-help workshops and other programs intended to help students adjust to college life.

Sponsored by the Health Promotion Office and the Student Development Center, the series will take place each Wednesday at 7 p.m. in Corey Union Exhibition Lounge, unless otherwise noted. The events are free and open to the public.

On Sept. 2, two SUNY Cortland student affairs representatives will discuss “So You’re in College: Now What?” Michael Holland, assistant to the vice president for student affairs, and Richard Peagler, director of counseling and student development, will address issues for first year and transfer students, such as residence hall living, partying, homesickness, new relationships and peer pressure.

On Sept. 9, Louise Mahar, the College’s assistant director, recreational sports for fitness, will offer “A Non-Threatening Introduction to Yoga.” Participants will experience a beginner level yoga class and should dress in loose comfortable clothing and bring a towel.

On Sept. 16, participants can “Walk the Walk of Student Services” at an open house from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in Van Hoesen Hall and Corey Union. Visitors will be able to meet the student services staff and view the facilities of the University Police, student health service, counseling, student disability services, health promotion, substance abuse prevention, career services, residence life and housing, Academic Support and Achievement Program (ASAP), Emergency Squad, Tomik Fitness Facility and recreational sports, as well as Auxiliary Services Corporation and nutritional services. Vice President for Student Affairs Office staff will meet students in the Corey Union lobby. Refreshments will be served and prizes raffled.

The “Take Back the Night” March, sponsored by Cortland Against Another Rape (C.A.A.R.), will take place on Sept. 23 at 8 p.m. on the steps of Corey Union. Participants will walk with candles throughout campus and the community to raise awareness about sexual assault.

The Southern Tier AIDS Program will offer a presentation titled “Living With HIV” on Sept. 30. An individual who has HIV will offer a personal story on living daily with this disease.

On Oct. 7, national motivational speaker Renee Damon will offer a personal account of how her addictions took away her personal choices. Presented by the College’s Judicial Affairs Office, the program titled “Taken Away” will begin at 8 p.m. in the Corey Union Function Room. Not only will Damon take students through the horrific role drugs played in her life, she will also share the benefits to living a clean and sober lifestyle. Her inspirational story will empower everyone.

On Oct. 14, a panel of faculty, students and community members will focus on “Someone You Know is Gay. Does It Really Matter?” The panelists include: Kathryn Coffey, SUNY Cortland assistant professor of health; and Vicki Wilkins, SUNY Cortland professor of recreation, parks and leisure studies. The discussion is intended to increase an awareness and understanding of how everyone is impacted by diversity in human sexual orientation and gender identity.

Mary Dykeman, public health educator at the Jacobus Center for Reproductive Health, will give a talk on “Things Your Mother Never Told You … About Sex and Contraception” on Oct. 21. There will be an open discussion on the difference between knowing about and using birth control. Dykeman will explain what, why and how things get complicated when it comes to contraception.

On Oct. 28, the Wellness Wednesday series will host a coffeehouse featuring the sounds of Tribal Revival from 8 - 11 p.m. This local group specializes in improvisational and blues-based roots rock. SUNY Cortland’s “Rock and Blues Ensemble” will be the opening act. Refreshments will be served.

On Nov. 4, Louise Whittleton, a registered dietician for Auxiliary Services Corporation (ASC), and health promotion interns will present “Strive for 5: Veggies and Fruits” at various tables set up on the first floor of Corey Union from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Whittleton and the interns will explain why humans should eat these healthy foods every day and how to get them into one’s diet.

Mecke Nagel, a SUNY Cortland professor of philosophy, and Nanette Pasquarello, director of judicial affairs at the College, will present “Wellness and Restorative Justice,” on Nov. 11. A discussion with presenters about restorative justice and creating a healthy campus climate will take place.

On Nov. 18, the campus and community are invited to take part in the “Great American Smokeout ~ Pledge to Quit” from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. on the first floor of Corey Union. Health promotion interns will be available to help individuals sign the pledge on Wednesday to quit for the day on Thursday.

For more information, contact Catherine Smith, the College’s health educator, in Van Hoesen Hall, Room B-1, or at (607) 753-2066 or