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College Seeks College, Community Nominees for Civic Engagement Awards


SUNY Cortland’s Institute for Civic Engagement (ICE) is seeking nominations from the College and the Cortland community for its fifth annual Leadership in Civic Engagement Awards.

Nomination forms are available at and are due by Tuesday, March 31. Those wishing to submit a nominee’s name may e-mail the completed form by that date to Shelly VanDusen, ICE graduate assistant, at She is available to answer questions at (607) 753-4270.

All nominations will be reviewed by a committee composed of SUNY Cortland faculty, staff and students and Cortland community leaders. Award recipients will be announced in campus and community publications in mid-April. The Leadership in Civic Engagement Awards Ceremony will take place at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, April 30, at the College’s Brockway Hall Jacobus Lounge.

Since April 2005, the College has presented Leadership in Civic Engagement Awards to more than 140 students, faculty members, college staff and community members.

Previous honorees have been recognized for their outstanding work organizing community service projects, leading efforts to raise funds for deserving programs, advocacy on behalf of a group or issue and the creation of a community service effort or organization.

“Our goal is to recognize the significant contributions of individuals and groups to our community’s quality of life through their leadership in a variety of civic engagement activities, including service and social action,” said Professor Richard Kendrick, ICE director.

In addition to the Leadership in Civic Engagement Award, eligible student nominees will also be considered for the following scholarships: the Institute for Civic Engagement Scholarship, the Judson H. Taylor Presidential Scholarship and the Community Scholarship for Student Volunteers and Interns. Groups on campus or in the community that are lessening the effects of hunger and homelessness are eligible to be considered for the Don Wilcox Civic Engagement Award.

SUNY Cortland student nominees will also be considered for the Cortland Area Chapter of the Alumni Association’s Community Service Award to recognize someone whose civic engagement activities go beyond course/graduation requirements and whose efforts have significantly enhanced relations between SUNY Cortland and the greater Cortland community. Nominees must be of junior or senior standing and have a GPA of at least 2.50.

At last year’s awards ceremony, the College recognized nine faculty and staff members, 12 students, and Cortland community leaders Christina Catalano, Kim Huffman, Garra Lloyd-Lester and Douglas VanEtten. SUNY Cortland also recognized Project LEAPE (Leadership and Education in Adapted Physical Education) with a special award for its two faculty organizers and 17 student participants. Jim Miller, lecturer in history, won the Don Wilcox Award for his involvement in the annual CROP Walk. Scholarships were awarded to students Alina Ruggieri, Timothy Rodriguez, Michelle Housworth, Michael Pierce and Valerie Winberry. Participants in the College’s newly created Power of 10 community engagement program were also recognized.