Some of SUNY Cortland’s biggest events take place in Park Center and the Student Life Center.
Denise DuBrava, a supervising janitor with Facilities Operations and Services, for the past six years has ensured that the events taking place there — Commencement, major sports contests and other momentous university occasions — come off successfully.
It’s one reason why DuBrava was honored on Dec. 13 with the prestigious 2024 President’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service.
Since 2017, this 10-year university employee has also managed maintenance staff members who clean and maintain the Professional Studies Building, Lusk Field House, the SUNY Cortland Stadium Complex, West Campus Apartments, the Service Group and Whitaker Hall. She will retire on Dec. 31.
Evenings, weekends or when staff under her management can’t be there, DuBrava regularly can be found inspecting event setups and offering organizers insights from previous events she’s handled. Her manner in dealing with colleagues is invariably pleasant.
“This award routinely recognizes one of the many unsung heroes on our campus, and that’s who Denise DuBrava is,” said SUNY Cortland President Erik J. Bitterbaum. “Denise plays a crucial, behind-the-scenes role in our largest events, from Open House to Academic Convocation to Commencement, and she always goes the extra mile.
“Her work quite literally impacts all of our students at key milestones of their Cortland educations, and she represents the very best of our classified staff members.”
The President’s Award for Excellence in Classified Service was created in 2002 to annually spotlight one SUNY Cortland full-time classified service employee “for extraordinary achievement and to encourage the continuation of excellence.” Nominees must have at least three years of continuous service. Supervisors, co-workers or other university community members nominate workers considered for this honor.
The honor traditionally is presented at the annual Service Awards Ceremony, a 55-year-old event for classified employees with a holiday luncheon in Corey Union sponsored by the Human Resources Office.
At this year’s event, Bitterbaum presented DuBrava with a plaque to acknowledge her outstanding service to the university.
DuBrava joined SUNY Cortland in 2014 as a cleaner and was promoted to supervising janitor in 2018. She previously worked at Graphics Plus.
Daniel Dryja ’04, director of Facilities Operations and Services, convinced an at first reluctant DuBrava to accept the promotion. DuBrava had been a custodian in Bowers Hall for four years, where Dryja noted that her strong work ethic and excellent communication skills quickly earned her the respect of her colleagues and supervisors.
“Her opinions and ideas are always held in high regard as Denise has shown repeatedly that she has the best interests of the university in mind,” Dryja said of DuBrava. “She has also repeatedly demonstrated that she is a team player, and truly cares about her staff.”
“From day one, Denise demonstrated the leadership, organizational skills and dedication that have made her an invaluable member of our team,” Dryja said.
DuBrava helps coordinate custodial services for one of the busiest sections of campus. Her area of supervision includes academic buildings and athletics facilities hosting hundreds of events each year.
“Not only does Denise oversee close to 20 custodians and manage a wide range of responsibilities, but she also must effectively communicate with the various constituents utilizing the facilities regarding their needs,” Dryja said.
DuBrava’s calm but warm demeanor not only allows her to work well with students, faculty and administrators, but she has a great reputation and relationship with the whole facilities team, Dryja said.
“Denise responds to employees on every shift,” according to nominator Jennifer Elmo, associate director of Facilities Operations and Services, and DuBrava’s immediate supervisor. “She is a great resource even when she’s not here.”
Two associate directors of athletics in Park Center supported DuBrava’s nomination.
“Denise routinely goes above and beyond for athletics,” added Courtney Wormuth. “I’ve come to her with last-minute requests, and she always finds a way to make things happen. She has developed tremendous working relationships with all our coaches and is always willing to help in any capacity.”
“Denise has been a pleasure to work with over the years,” said Jaclyn Lawrence ’12. “She is always helpful, solution orientated and cares to do a good job for our events.”
“She will take on any task and complete it without any hesitation,” observed Jesse Frost, an environmental health and safety specialist at the Service Group Physical Plant. “She will help anyone who needs or asks for assistance. She is very understanding and is willing to listen to all staff members and coworkers.”
Outside of work, DuBrava is an enthusiastic bowler, and she enjoys nature and plants. She has a big heart for animals, especially dogs, and owns two rescued Great Danes.
DuBrava has one daughter, Elissa; three grandchildren; and a partner, Paul. She resides in Cortland.
2024 Service Awards presented
As is customary this time of year, 24 classified staff and Research Foundation employees who met milestone years of service with SUNY Cortland were recognized for their dedication and commitment. The 2024 Service Awards honorees are:
Douglas Adsit, Facilities Operations and Services
Lucinda Compagni, Development Office
Heather Hurteau, Child Care Center (Research Foundation)
Christine Newcomb, Cortland College Foundation (Research Foundation)
* Kathleen Hudson, International Programs
* Laurie Matthews, Child Care Center (Research Foundation)
Ryan Kleveno, Motor Pool
Tanya Lowie, Facilities Operations and Services
Robert Maarberg, Heating Plant
Jennifer Stiles, Communication Disorders and Sciences Department
* Lou Anne Simons, Library
Heather Drew, Information Resources
Charles Greenman, Fleet Operations
* Christina DiGiusto, Communications Office
* Tammi Vassalotti, Facilities Operations and Services
Brian Bennett, Maintenance
Denise DuBrava, Custodial Services
Lee Gokey, Maintenance
Jeanenne Hall, Extended Learning Office
Heather Hammond, Physical Education
Patrick McLorn, Residence Life and Housing
Kevin Wellings, Maintenance
Michael Wood, Maintenance
* Michael Gregory, Mail Services/Central Warehouse
* Retired in 2024