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Cortland launches campus COVID-19 tracker

Cortland launches campus COVID-19 tracker


SUNY Cortland has created a Campus COVID-19 Tracker that will post the number of student and employee positive tests it receives weekly through the Fall 2022 semester.

This tracker was created in part to replace SUNY System Administration’s COVID-19 tracker, which ended earlier this month as most SUNY campuses have shifted away from mass surveillance testing of asymptomatic individuals.

Students are asked to self-report positive test results through myRedDragon. They should forward the email receipt they receive to their associate dean to notify them of their absence from classes. Additional details on the self-reporting process were emailed to students on Sept. 19

Employees who test positive for COVID-19 should contact Human Resources and their supervisor to coordinate a plan for using leave accruals. They should also contact their medical provider and county health department for guidance. Additional details on this process were emailed to employees on Sept. 19.

The university encourages anyone who feels ill to stay home, take a COVID-19 test as soon as possible and follow self-reporting procedures if they test positive.

More information on SUNY Cortland’s policies is available on the COVID-19 Safety Information page, which is updated regularly.