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A message on violence in Israel and Gaza

A message on violence in Israel and Gaza


The following message was sent to the campus community on behalf of President Erik J. Bitterbaum

Dear campus community members,

Like many of you, I have watched the escalating violence in Israel and Gaza in horror and increasing concern. These attacks have killed more than 1,500 people, including innocent children, while many others have been kidnapped and remain fearing for their lives. The images of destruction break my heart.

I know many students and employees share connections to this region, on both sides of the conflict. They may know people who are missing or fighting or displaced from their homes. Colleagues have shared that they are struggling to focus on the work in front of them. I encourage you to be there for them, whether it is through listening, providing comfort or attending an educational event.

Please know that none of our SUNY Cortland students are traveling in these regions through university-sponsored programs. That does not lessen the pain that many are feeling from thousands of miles away. I encourage you to remember the following outlets and resources on campus:

The cycle of conflict currently affecting the Middle East is a complex and deeply rooted issue, resulting in many innocent lives lost due to senseless violence. As a campus community, we must continue to support others who are hurting.


Erik J. Bitterbaum