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Media Equipment Loan Policy

  • All registered students, staff, and faculty are eligible to borrow media from Memorial Library.
  • A current Cortland ID is required to borrow media. Cameras are loaned with accessories, which include but are not limited to: battery, battery charger, software, remote, cords (fire wire), tripod, strap, bag. Users are responsible for returning all accessories loaned with the camera.
  • You are responsible for the equipment checked out on your I.D. The charge for lost equipment is the replacement cost plus a processing fee. Charges for Lost or Damaged Materials
  • Cameras and accessories have a loan period of 1 week (7 days).
  • Cameras are loaned and reserved on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • When media is reserved, items MUST be picked up at The Help Center within 24 hours. Any items (cameras) not picked up within this time frame will be returned to circulation.
  • Cameras and accessories have a fine of $5.00 per day, per item to a maximum of $25.00 per item.
  • Fines will be assessed on the first overdue day of the loan.
  • Camera loans will NOT be renewed.
  • Media – Cameras will not be Interlibrary loaned.
  • If you are unsure of the due date, please login to your library account, send an email to library at, or call us at 753-2526.