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Internships and Study Abroad Opportunities

The Internship Program

Students who major or minor in sociology, criminology, anthropology or archaeology are eligible to participate in the Sociology/Anthropology Department Internship Program.  The department program coordinator arranges internship opportunities at many local Cortland agencies in the fields of social services, youth services, public health education and student services, and courts and legal agencies including District Attorneys' offices, Public Defenders offices and law enforcement agencies.  Internship positions are competitive, and students must apply to participate.

All internships are supervised by both a professional at the agency and by the Internship Coordinator, Dr. Elizabeth Bittel, from the Sociology/Anthropology Department.

Internships include both coursework (SOC/ANT/CRM 499) and contact-hours (hours worked with the agencies) components, and satisfy major elective credits (up to 6 credit hours). For each credit-hour, interns complete 40 contact-hours. Internships advertised for fall and spring semesters are 3-credits; design-your-own internships and summer internships can range from 1-16 credit hours.

Applications and details regarding available positions are circulated to all sociology, anthropology, and criminology majors each semester. Importantly, students intending to pursue an internship should enroll for a full schedule of coursework for the semester in which they may intern; confirmed interns will be instructed to make the necessary adjustments to their course schedules.

Eligibility: Sociology, Criminology, Anthropology, Archaeology, or International Studies Majors.  Students must be juniors or seniors and in good academic standing at the time of application.

Detailed Program Information: Review details regarding program logistics and the application, placement, confirmation, and enrollment processes along with timelines for fall/spring and summer/DIY internships, here:

Internship Application:

Fall 2024 application deadline:  May 3, 2024

For information concerning internships, students should first consult with their academic advisors. 

For additional information,  email Cathy Butler ( or the Faculty Internship Coordinator, Elizabeth Bittel  ( Moffett Center, Room 113C, 607-753-2561.

Study Abroad Opportunities

The Sociology-Anthropology Department offers sociology majors with a concentration in criminology the opportunity to apply for study at the School for Criminology and Criminal Justice in Brisbane, Australia. The exchange takes place during the spring semester and students must have at least sophomore standing during the semester they will go abroad. Contact the Sociology/Anthropology Department office for details and application information.

There are other opportunities to study abroad open to all sociology and anthropology majors. Information about SUNY Cortland’s study abroad programs can be obtained from the International Programs Office.