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Public Administration and Public Policy

Who doesn’t love a little challenge? Make problem solving your specialty by learning to grapple with some of society’s most urgent issues such as crime, health care and the quality of the air we breathe. With our distinguished staff and awesome student clubs, you will be able to learn various methods for studying proposed solutions to public problems as well as studying how administrators enact policy at the local, state, and federal levels.

Career Potential

  • Press secretary
  • Lobbyist
  • Government official
  • Policy researcher

What Will I Learn?

  • Engage in a core curriculum covering the basics of U.S. and world politics, research techniques and political theory.
  • Explore the different fields of political science through upper-division course work.
  • Complete a capstone course either through a seminar or internship experience.

Special Features

  • Advance to an M.P.A. at Binghamton University – by special arrangement with BU’s Public Administration Department
  • Campus Practicum Experience such as participation in the Student Conduct Board or Student Government Association
  • Distinguished faculty eager to help you excel

Cameroon Diplomat, Mr. Monono, Visits SUNY Cortland

Get Involved

  • Local and distant internships in Washington, Albany, London and Belize
  • International opportunities in Europe with the Model European Union, or study abroad with the British or Irish parliaments

Student Clubs

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