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Cody Amengual, a 2014 Cortland political science graduate, entered Pennsylvania State University’s School of International Affairs Master’s program in fall 2014. In the program, he has interned for Red Argentina para la Cooperación Internacional in Buenos Aires. He also ran for Penn State’s Division I Men's Varsity Track and Field program. On top of that, Cody served as the Secretary for the Penn State School of International Affairs Student Government Association.
A 2015 political science graduate, Kayla Sheldrick, won admission to several law schools, including St. John's University, Hofstra University, Pace University, Syracuse University, Cardozo School of Law, and Brooklyn law school. She also received offers of a full tuition scholarship from Pace and Hofstra. Kayla decided to attend Syracuse Law School beginning in Fall 2015, thanks in part to a scholarship from that institution.
Political science graduate Michael Myones, who finished at Cortland at the end of 2014, is attending Brooklyn Law School beginning in the fall of 2015 after working on a State Assembly political campaign. His law school education there is supported by a Sparer Public Interest Fellowship, which is awarded to assist “high-caliber, qualified students engage in concentrated studies and unique internships in the U.S. and abroad.”
Michelle Santoro graduated with a bachelor’s degree in political science from Cortland in 2010. She won many honors here at Cortland including the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence. In 2015, she continued her law school education at one of the nation’s top law schools, New York University, where she is in the top quarter of her class.

Michael Rosenthal, a 2014 political science graduate, is pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health through SUNY Upstate and Syracuse University. He is doing field placement work at the Ronald McDonald House, a facility in the Syracuse are where families can stay while their children are undergoing extended medical treatments. Michael’s capstone project for his degree will examine what local service providers are doing, separately and collaboratively, for homeless LGBT youth.