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Political Science

Political science affects the air we breathe, the schools we attend, the jobs we do, the communities we live in and the taxes we pay. If you choose this major, you’ll learn the principles at work behind the decisions that affect every aspect of our lives. If active engagement in the political system is for you, a political science major is a great way to get started.

Career Potential

  • State or federal legislative aide
  • Campaign manager
  • Local, state or federal elected representative
  • Journalist/reporter
  • Federal agent
  • Local, state or national government employee

What Will I Learn?

  • Complete a core curriculum covering the basics of U.S. and world politics, research techniques and political theory.
  • Explore the different fields of political science through upper-division course work
  • Complete a capstone course either through a seminar or internship experience

Concentration Option

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  • Preparation for law school or law enforcement 
  • Explore the legal and political dimensions of American government

Special Features

  • Pre-law advising: Advice on LSAT, law school selection, academic preparation and alumni speakers from the legal profession
  • Strong liberal arts backgroundRobert Spitzer

Get Involved

College is more than a classroom. Enhance your experience with extracurricular opportunities.

  • Local and distant internships in Washington, Albany, London and Belize
  • Moot Court competition
  • International opportunities in Europe with the Model European Union or study abroad with the British or Irish parliaments

Student Clubs

Honor Societies

Pi Sigma Alpha, The National Political Science Honor Society

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