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Adolescence Education: Physics (7-12)

Develop a versatile background in the principles of physics, applied mathematics, computer skills and electronic equipment by joining the largest teacher education program in the Northeastern United States. With distinguished faculty and a department eager to see you excel, you will be on your way to New York state certification to teach physics in grades 7-12.

Career Potential

  • Physics teacher (7-12)
  • Graduate study in higher education
  • Technical specialist

What Will I Learn?

  • Learn about successful classroom teaching
  • Explore the nature of the adolescent learner
  • Develop teaching strategies for pupils whose interests and abilities vary widely
  • Integrate educational theory with best teaching practices

Special Features

  • You’ll study and work in state-of-the-art classrooms and teaching laboratories as well as a new 41-seat digital projection planetarium.

Youth making wind turbines with the Physics Club

Get Involved

College is more than a classroom. There are plenty of opportunities to participate in research projects with faculty or engage with your fellow students.

Student Clubs

Honor Societies

Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honor Society

Next Steps