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Faculty / Staff

International Programs Faculty and Staff

Alexandru Balas

Alexandru Balas
607-753-4823 (Office Phone)
Email Alexandru Balas (Work Email)


  • Coordinator, International Studies Program
  • Professor


  • Clark Center for Global Engagement

Additional Info:

Elizabeth Bittel (they/them)

Elizabeth Bittel (they/them)


  • Internship Coordinator
  • Assistant Professor


  • Sociology/Anthropology Department

Additional Info:

  • Specializations: Environmental Sociology, Social Dimensions of Disasters and Hazards, Environmental Justice, Ethnographic Methods, Sri Lanka, Body Modification (Tattooing)
  • Courses: Introduction to Sociology, Methods of Social Research I, Environmental Sociology, Environmental Justice, Social Dimensions of Disaster
  • Affiliated Departments: International Studies, Africana Studies

Sharon Steadman

Distinguished SUNY Professor, Sociology/Anthropology

Ph.D., University of California/Berkeley

Courses taught: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology, Anthropology of Gender, Contact and Culture Change, World Cultures, Introduction to International Studies. Research interests: archaeology/ethnology in the Middle East (specialization in Turkey), economic anthropology, gender studies, complex society. Research in progress: Director of the Prehistoric Project at Cadir Hoyuk (a combined ethnographic and archaeological study in central Turkey). Recent publications: “Isolation or Interaction: Prehistoric Cilicia and the Fourth Millennium Uruk Expansion”, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 9.2 (1996); “Recent Research in the Archaeology of Architecture: Beyond the Foundations,” Journal of Archaeological Research 4 (1996).

Girish Bhat

Professor, History

Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley in 1994

Research/Teaching: Russia, Soviet Union, Central Asia

Odalis Hidalgo

Assistant Professor, Modern Languages 

PhD, University of Massachusetts Amherst 

Flavia Dantas

Associate Professor, Economy

Scott Moranda

Professor, History

PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison 

A specialist in German, modern European, and global environmental history, Professor Scott Moranda’s specific research interests include environmental history and the history of tourism. He is the author of The People’s Own Landscape: Nature, Tourism, and Dictatorship and has also written on East German social history, the environmental history of tourism and ecotourism. He is actively involved with the Clark Center for Global Engagement, the Project for Eastern and Central Europe and using SUNY Cortland’s outdoor education center in the Adirondacks and other central New York environmental centers for the teaching of environmental history. Currently, Dr. Moranda is developing a book project on German and German-American soil health advocates and how their critiques of “uniquely” American forms of plunder capitalism shaped German, American and global thinking about soil health and sustainable capitalism.

Elizabeth Bittel


Ibipo Johnston-Anumonwo


Mason Kim

Assistant Professor, Political Science

PhD, University of Pittsburgh