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Assessment Tools

Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) tool is a program that works to improve the nutrition and well-being of Americans. This tool develops and promotes dietary guidance based on scientific research and linked to consumer's nutrition.

HECAT (Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool)

A tool created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that can help districts, schools and others conduct an analysis of health education curricula based on the National Health Education Standards and the CDC's Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum. The results can help schools select or develop appropriate and effective health education delivery, as well as improve the delivery of health education.

Partnership for 21st Century Schools (P21)

Partnership for 21st Century Schools (P21) is a national organization whose purpose is to advocate for every student to be ready for the 21st century. P21 provides tools and resources to help the United States education system keep up with the demands for innovation in this global economy.

PECAT (Physical Education Curriculum Analysis Tool)

The PECAT was developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). It is a self-assessment and planning guide, designed to help school districts conduct an analysis of their physical education curriculum based on the National Physical Education Standards. The results can be used by school districts to enhance existing curricula or to develop curricula to deliver high quality physical education to students.

Promoting Healthy Youth, Schools, and Communities

This tool is a guide for Community-School Health Councils. It can be used to help districts develop and maintain a new health council and strengthen existing councils.

School Health Index (SHI)

The School Health Index (SHI): Self-Assessment & Planning Guide 2017 is an online self-assessment and planning tool (also available  in a downloadable, printable version) that schools can use to improve their health and safety policies and programs. It’s easy to use and completely confidential.

School Health Profiles

The School Health Profiles (Profiles) is a tool consisting of a system of surveys to assess school health policies and practices in states, large urban school districts, territories, and tribal governments. Profiles surveys are conducted every 2 years by education and health agencies among middle and high school principals and lead health education teachers.

Profiles monitors the status of

  • School health education requirements and content
  • Physical education requirements
  • School health policies related to HIV infection/AIDS, tobacco-use prevention, and nutrition
  • Asthma management activities
  • Family and community involvement in school health programs

WellSAT (Wellness School Assessment Tool)

The WellSAT is a tool used to assess the quality of a school district's wellness policy. The WellSAT also provides personal guidance and resources that can be used to improve wellness policies based on the assessment.

Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS)

A survey tool developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), that monitors six types of health-risk behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death and disability among youth and adults. These behaviors include: those that lead to unintentional injuries and violence, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use, sexual risk, unhealthy dietary practices, and physical activity.