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Media Clubs

Why Join a Media Club?

Interested in being a television personality? Writing a newspaper column? Hosting your own radio show?

Don't wait until graduation to start your career. Join one of our Media Clubs and start gaining that experience now! Whether you are interested in film and television, radio and music, or the printed page, the Communication and Media Studies department has the right club for you. Join today for fun or register for academic credit.

All clubs are student run and open to anyone!

90.5 WSUC-FM The Dragon (COM 394)

WSUC-FM officially went on the air Nov. 29, 1976.

Before 1976 the station was an AM carrier-current station the call letters where WCSU: We expected to retain the WCSU call letters but needed to submit 5 choices to the FCC in our application. WCSU was first, second WMLF (Station Manager Michael Flaster's initials), third WCJL (for Corey Leibow, the Program Director's initials), fourth, WRTC (the Chief Engineer, Dick Crozier's initials) and finally, as a joke, WSUC. As luck would have it, the first four call-letters were already assigned.
Faculty Advisor: Caroline Kaltefleiter

Contact Us:

Meeting Time / Location:

Virtual Meetings on Monday at 6 p.m. (SPRING 2021)

CSTV - Cortland State Television (COM 393)

CSTV - SUNY Cortland's television station (channel 20) is a student-run organization that plans and creates television shows and programs brought forth by the student body. CSTV is also involved with filming campus and community events. In addition, CSTV helps with the advertisements of other clubs through commercials and programs on the campus television network. More information available on the CSTV website.

Faculty Advisor: Samuel Avery

Contact Us:

Meeting Time / Location:

Virtual Meetings on Tuesday at 6 p.m. (SPRING 2021)

Dragon Chronicle (COM 390)

The Dragon Chronicle is SUNY Cortland's weekly student-run newspaper covering news, opinions, lifestyles and sports. It provides students with experiences in journalism, writing, editing, photography, and advertising in addition to behind-the-scenes, hands-on experience putting a weekly newspaper together. The Dragon Chronicle's ultimate mission is to inform and entertain the campus and community and to enrich the college experience of student members by providing them with a fun, beneficial means of becoming active on campus.

Faculty Advisor: Sung Yoo

Contact Us:

Meeting Time / Location:

Virtual Meetings on Monday at 6 p.m. (SPRING 2021)