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Asian/Middle Eastern Studies


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Asia is home to more than 4.5 billion people, around 60% of the world’s population. It spans from China to India to the Middle East and was home to the world’s earliest civilizations as well as the birthplace of the 5 major religions. The continent also boasts hundreds of languages, cultures, ethnic groups, and cuisines. From K-pop to Bollywood, Asia is a major player in global pop culture, economics, sports and politics.  

Asian/Middle Eastern Studies is an interdisciplinary program focusing on the people, cultures, and histories of the Asian continent. The program seeks to enhance the student's understanding of this vibrant region while also furthering the College's mission to study and combat prejudice and discrimination. The program is designed to complement a number of academic majors, including International Studies, Anthropology, History, Political Science, Economics, Geography, Education, and many more. 

Committee Members

  • Sharon Steadman - West and South Asia; Turkey and India 
  • Girish Bhat - South and Central Asia; India and Russia 
  • Anisha Saxena - South Asia; India and Pakistan 
  • Yomee Lee - Korea and Southeast Asia 
  • Hongli Fan - East Asia; China  
  • Tiantian Zheng - East Asia; China 
  • Danielle Candelora - West Asia; Middle East and North Africa