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Art Studio: Bachelor of Fine Arts

If you’re planning to pursue a professional career in art or are preparing for specialized graduate study, in particular the master of fine arts, then you may want to consider a B.F.A., an intensive degree program in studio art.

Career Potential

  • Artist
  • Designer and educator in:
    • Ceramics
    • Fiber art
    • Print media
    • Painting

What Will I Learn?

You’ll benefit from small, engaging classes taught in modern studios designed for

  • Sculpture
  • Ceramics
  • Painting and drawing
  • Two-dimensional design
  • Printmaking
  • Fiber art
  • Digital art
Student in the painting studio

Special Features

  • A two-semester senior thesis project as a culminating experience where you develop a cohesive body of work from concept to exhibition, accompanied by written abstract and oral presentation.
  • A portfolio must be submitted for review when seeking admission to the B.F.A. program.

Get Involved

  • Summer international study programs
  • Internships
  • Visiting artists and lecturers program
  • Cooperative work-study program

Student Clubs

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