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B.F.A. Portfolio Guidelines

Thank you for your interest in SUNY Cortland’s Bachelor of Fine Arts program.

Incoming Freshmen or Transfer Students

Incoming freshman and transfer candidates to the Bachelor of Fine Arts Art Studio major will need to complete a two-part process. Transfer students may enter the program no later than the beginning of their junior year, or with two full years before graduation. The first part of the process consists of sending an admissions application to the College, and the second part consists of submitting a URL to your online portfolio. Please do not submit your portfolio until you have received a letter from admissions instructing you to continue to part two of your application, an email address will be provided at that time.

The online portfolio should consist of images and an introductory essay. Please include 10 images of your best work to demonstrate quality and diversity of skills and creative concept development. The essay of no more than 1,000 words should include a description of individual works in the portfolio and acquaint us with your art interests, art historical and contemporary influences, as well as your educational and career goals for the future. Submissions may consist of a website, blog, a photo gallery or a portfolio service for publishing your work online. The Art and Art History Department will take into consideration the presentation, organization, clarity and creativity of all portfolios submitted.

The department will review portfolios until the end of April for the fall term and December for the spring term, but with limited space available in the major we recommend that portfolios be submitted by Feb. 15 for the fall and Oct. 15 for the spring.

Currently enrolled SUNY Cortland students

SUNY Cortland students interested in a change of major will also need to present a portfolio to gain admission to the B.F.A. program. Students may enter the program no later than the beginning of their junior year, or with two full years before graduation. Portfolios will be presented to the faculty committee during the month of October for spring admission and during the month of March for fall admission.

Portfolio admission essays delivered to the Department of Art and Art History office by Oct. 1 or March 1 will constitute the beginning of the process. The essay of no more than 1,000 words should include a description of individual works that you will present to the faculty committee, and should acquaint us with your media interests, art historical and contemporary influences, as well as your future career goals. The portfolio should consist of approximately 10 original works displayed to their best advantage, that demonstrate quality and diversity of skills and creative concept development. Your oral presentation should reflect the same items covered in your essay. The Art and Art History Department will take into consideration the presentation, organization, clarity and creativity of all portfolios submitted.