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Goals and Benefits of ACE

The ACE partners work together to accomplish the following goals:

  • Identify students interested in post-secondary education  - both those with a solid plan to attend college and those who need assistance setting that goal.
  • Help students access higher education through educational programming designed to increase knowledge and decision-making skills.
  • Increase students’ probability of success in high school and into college by developing college-minded attitudes and student skills.
  • Encourage parent/guardian involvement and excitement in educational events and their children’s college search process for greater follow through and understanding.
  • Collaborate with all partners of ACE to provide the maximum amount of support for ACE participants.

Benefits of ACE

Students who demonstrate consistent progression in their ACE experience will have opportunities to:

  • Receive an ACE Recommendation letter for your college applications process*
  • Network with college students, faculty, and staff
  • Apply for the ACE Student Advisory Board leadership opportunity
  • Be part of the summer SkillUP leadership program
  • Apply for financial support toward your college experience
  • Have recognized application status at the sponsoring colleges
  • Receive a recognition of participation certificate at the end of each academic year
  • Participate in annual college visit field trips
  • Connect with other students and family members asking similar questions and experiencing some of the same transition concerns and excitements
  • Receive help getting organized, starting, and making decisions about your college experience
  • Have access to mentorship experiences with current college students
  • Get support figuring out career options and corresponding majors