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ACE Recruitment - Info Session

If you are somewhere between confident that college is your pathway forward or just don’t have a clue, the Access to College Education (ACE) program provides resources and experiences to explore college as an option. This includes field trips to sponsoring college campuses, virtual connection events with college students, workshops, leadership opportunities, family support, and more.

Registration: Complete the ACE Registration Form (preferred) or contact us directly via email at 

Registration Deadline:  24 hours prior to the event

Accommodations: Should you require necessary accommodations to attend this event, please call the ACE Office at (607) 753-5662 or email us at as soon as possible.

Audience: Students and their family members interested in learning more about ACE

Program Logistics: This program will be hosted online. You will receive a Zoom event link via email before the program begins.

  • Time: 7:00 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Location: Virtual