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This webpage includes a listing of many committees at SUNY Cortland related to academic and professional affairs.

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This page will be updated annually on Oct. 1.

Academic Calendar Committee

Chair: April Thompson

Members: 11

Meeting frequency: As needed


  1. To develop a calendar for the years requested by the president.
  2. To serve in an advisory role to the president on matters dealing with the calendar. 
  3. To seek feedback from the campus community regarding changes to the academic calendar.

(Approved by President Bitterbaum and President’s Cabinet, August 2024)

Academic Faculty Affairs

Academic Faculty Affairs website

Chair: Kevin Sheets

Members: 6

Meeting frequency: Fall at least weekly. Spring as needed. Depends on number of issues raised by faculty


To regularly review the policies and procedures of academic departments and of the library that affect faculty with academic rank for renewal of term appointment, for granting of continuing appointment, and for promotion as fully described in Section 220.06 and Chapter 220.07 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook.

To conduct a review of Section 220.06 and Chapter 220.07 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook at least once every three years, and upon completing any such review to recommend needed changes to the Faculty Senate (or to certify that no changes are currently recommended to the Faculty Senate).

To provide guidance to any individual faculty member with academic rank regarding the departmental, school or sub-school personnel review process or problems deriving from it. (See paragraph 220.06, H.5 of the SUNY Cortland Handbook.)

To conduct an investigation of the review process used during a personnel action of an individual faculty member if formally requested by that individual.

The faculty member requesting the review should submit all pertinent materials related to the review to the chair of the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee. The individual need not submit a portfolio of supporting documents to the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee, since this material typically would not be reviewed, unless there appeared to have been violations directly involving the evaluation of these materials. It is important to note that disagreements between the candidate and reviewers regarding the weighting of materials do not in and of themselves represent procedural violations. The Academic Faculty Affairs Committee should avoid making judgments regarding subjective evaluations by the reviewers.

The Academic Faculty Affairs Committee may request additional materials from the individual requesting assistance. If appropriate, the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee also may interview members of personnel committees involved in the process, as well as the department chair and dean, or for librarians, the supervisor, director of libraries and the associate provost for information resources. However, cooperation by these individuals is strictly voluntary.

The investigation may be conducted by the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee as a whole, or by a review sub-committee consisting of at least three members of the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee appointed by the chair of the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee. If a sub-committee is appointed, the chair of the Academic Faculty Affairs Committee should serve on the sub-committee, and all members of the sub-committee should have tenure whenever possible. A committee member must recuse themselves in a situation in which a reasonable question might arise as to their impartiality, or if they are already involved in the personnel process for the faculty member requesting the investigation, provided that at least three other members are serving on the investigation.

A letter reporting the committee's conclusions will be issued to the individual and to the assistant vice president for human resources. This letter should include a description of the process used during the investigation and detailed descriptions of any violations of policies described in the Departmental Personnel Policies, the SUNY Cortland Handbook, the SUNY Board of Trustees policies, or the UUP agreement as well as unwritten but consistently followed procedures of that particular department, that may have occurred.

Except for the four duties specified above, all other faculty matters to be considered by the committee will be designated to it in writing by the Faculty Senate Steering Committee. This includes recommendations by departmental, school or sub-school personnel committees, administrators or individuals.

Academic Grievance Tribunal

Academic Grievance Tribunal website

Chair: Tim Delaune

Members: 6

Meeting frequency: As needed


To adjudicate appeals by students of findings of academic honesty under the Academic Integrity Code (SUNY Cortland Handbook Chapter 340) and of students or faculty dissatisfied with the outcomes of student grievances at the university level under the Academic Grievance Code (Handbook Chapter 350).

Academic Standing Committee

Chair: Vincent DeTuri

Co-chair: Eileen Gravani and Kimberly Rombach

Members: 17

Meeting frequency: Twice a year — does not meet in August as indicated in the SUNY Cortland Handbook


An Academic Standing Committee will consider student appeals to academic suspension and dismissal. Since granting of an appeal is not automatic, it is intended only to accommodate extraordinary or unusual situations. The committee will convene in January, May and August of each academic year to consider student appeals and review pertinent documentation of mitigating circumstances provided by the student. The student must also provide the committee with a written plan for achieving academic success.

Access Control Advisory Board

Chair: Mark DePaull

Members: 10

Meeting frequency: As needed


The Access Control Advisory Board is the campus body charged with ensuring the safety and fair and equitable treatment of all university community members in issues related to the issuance, replacement and surrender of campus-owned keys and proximity credentials.

Administrative Directors Group

Chair: Mary Schlarb

Co-chair: Abby Thomas and Nan Pasquarello

Members: 47

Meeting frequency: Monthly


The Administrative Directors Group represents a diverse set of offices serving a range of functions and audiences, with varying degrees of direct student interaction. Recognizing this diversity, we seek to find flexible and consistent approaches to managing our offices and staff through and beyond the pandemic. Also, we aim to establish best practices and provide more formal and continual input into planning and policies, with the well-being of staff and students at the forefront.

The Administrative Directors Group provides:

  • A venue for mutual support, networking and sharing management strategies and tools;
  • A forum and structure to proactively incorporate the unique perspectives, expertise and voices of administrative directors into campus decision making as we establish work norms during the pandemic and beyond;
  • A resource for the university's leadership team, for our staff members, and for one another, informed by our experience and roles in implementing and communicating leadership decisions to staff, students and faculty.

Alcohol Advisory Committee

Chair: Greg Sharer

Members: 4

Meeting frequency: As needed


SUNY Cortland Handbook 360.02.3.B 1: The university president will appoint an Alcohol Advisory Committee representing the entire university community. Campus events involving the serving of alcohol will be registered with the Alcohol Advisory Committee before the event occurs. Requests to hold on- or off-campus events that involve the serving of alcohol and include underage persons must be filed at least 30 days prior to the event and must receive written approval from the Alcohol Advisory Committee before the event occurs. The Alcohol Advisory Committee will monitor alcohol use at official university events and evaluate compliance with the alcohol policy.

All College Scholarship Committee

Chair: Matt Pitcher

Members: 25

Meeting frequency: Members review student scholarship applications in Academic Works


To determine the recipients for five Honors Convocation Scholarships (multiple recipients chosen for each) along with another 50 scholarship opportunities (many have multiple recipients).

Anti-Racism Task Force

Anti-Racism Task Force website

Chair: AnnaMaria Cirrincione

Members: 28

Meeting frequency: Full task force meets three times a semester and the three sub-committees meet biweekly


To proactively identify and address matters related to racism on campus that serve as barriers or inhibitors of maximum academic, social and personal success for our BIPOC students. Furthermore, we strive to contribute to the creation of a campus climate that is socially and racially inclusive, diverse and just for ALL our students. We intend to fulfill this mission through:

  • Education: Developing tools and appropriate methods for educating our campus on issues of racism and ways to properly address these matters in an anti-racist manner.
  • Media Relations and Communications: Creating content that is inclusive and represents all our students equally and properly. Using all forms of media in communicating information that addresses racism head-on and sustains anti-racist practices.
  • Policies and Procedures: Identifying policies that may contain racially biased and racially charged implications that consistently affect our BIPOC students, faculty and staff negatively. Reviewing and identifying policy and procedures that may not support, protect and benefit the welfare and interests of our students, particularly our underrepresented students.

Bias Reporting Team

Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

Members: 8

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


To update, share, address and follow up on campus bias incidents.

BLM Mural Committee (ad hoc)

Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

Members: 9

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


To plan, organize and implement a Black Lives Matter mural on campus.

Campus Climate

Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

Members: 15

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


  • Provide baseline campus climate data to measure progress overtime.
  • Provide the university with information, analysis and strategic initiatives related to campus climate for diversity, inclusion and equity.
  • Provide the university with an inclusive view of the campus as a whole, as well as specific units and sub-populations.
  • Engage the campus community in dialogue related to diversity and inclusion, and foster greater visibility, information-sharing, and the building of a common knowledge-base.

Its members were charged with the development and implementation of a survey instrument. The committee was also expected to form focus groups and analyze the data responses.

Campus Safety Advisory Board

Chair: Mark DePaull

Members: 12

Meeting frequency: Monthly


  • To advise the president and chief of university police on matters of campus security, public safety, including signage and parking, and personal safety.
  • To review and suggest improvement in safety education programs.
  • To assess the availability of counseling services for crime victims.
  • To review victim referral and campus response procedures for sexual assault situations.
  • To conduct ongoing assessment of the quality of campus personal safety policies, practices, procedures and programs.
  • To conform to the 1990 Amendment to Section 6450 of the Education Law by providing information to incoming students about sexual assault prevention measures, penalties, and related security procedures. Annual reports must be filed with the commissioner of education.

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Faculty Service

Chair: Kathleen A. Lawrence

Members: 7

Meeting frequency: We meet frequently (perhaps 1-3 times a week) during late December (after nominations are received)- through February 15 when the nomination is due to SUNY Central


To select, following guidelines provided by the SUNY Chancellor's Awards Process & Procedures and the directive given the committee via Faculty Senate and it's established guidelines, to meet to select the best nominee (from nominations received) most befitting the honor of demonstrating Excellence in their Faculty Service.

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service

Chair: Laura Davies

Members: 5

Meeting frequency: once a month between November and February


To prepare the nomination for the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Professional Service

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship Selection Committee

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship Selection Committee website

Chair: John Foley

Members: 5

Meeting frequency: As Needed


The selection committee solicits nominations; conducts an objective and rigorous evaluation of the merits of candidates nominated; recommends to the campus President nominees to go forward to the System Administration level; and prepares the final nomination portfolio.

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching

Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Teaching website

Chair: Maria Timberlake

Members: 6

Meeting frequency: Generally 2 in-person meetings per semester that run for 1.5-2 hours. Then virtual meetings periodically to check progress.


review nominations, decide on eligibility, obtain candidate's portfolio and schedule review of candidate portfolio by committee , coordinate year 1 and year 2 committee observations of candidate, compile observations, generate a letter to Provost on candidate nomination to SUNY.

Climate Plan Financial Tracking and Coordination Committee

Chair: Matthew Brubaker

Members: 9

Meeting frequency: As Needed


The Climate Financial Tracking and Coordination Committee is charged with the task of consulting with departments and divisions on campus to assemble what the College is planning to do for the coming five years to fund actions related to the most current version of the Climate Action Plan. This would include assessing how much money should be budgeted, from what sources, and how much external support they plan to seek related to external grants or loans.

College Research Committee

College Research Committee website

Chair: Andrea Davalos

Members: 8

Meeting frequency: As needed


Responsible for the Faculty Research Program and to review nominees for the Dr. Peter A. Di Nardo '68 and Judith Waring Outstanding Achievement in Research Award

College Writing Committee

Chair: Kati Ahern

Members: 7

Meeting frequency: Monthly


  • Approve or request revisions for writing-intensive proposals through Curriculog
  • Provide professional development for writing-intensive instructors (such as new Writing-Intensive Course Development series)
  • Judge the Outstanding Writing Awards
  • Discuss policies and support for the culture of writing on campus (e.g. workload issues or communicating with other campus partners about writing)
  • Approve any writing-intensive petitions

Committee on Teaching Effectiveness

Committee on Teaching Effectiveness website

Chair: Matt Moyer

Members: 8

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


To work with a labor relations person from UUP and an administrative representative to review eight potential program systems for course teacher evaluations (CTE).

New questions for the CTE are approved but not in the SUNY Cortland Handbook yet. Language needs to be revised. The committee is charged with rewriting section 260.02 of the handbook, except for subsection 1.1.

Cortland Auxiliary Services Board of Directors

Chair: Rich Coyne

Members: 15

Meeting frequency: Monthly


Management of Corporate Affairs — Except as otherwise provided by law, the certificate of incorporation of the Corporation or these Bylaws, the activities, property, affairs and personnel of the Corporation will be managed by the Board of Directors (the ''Board'') in accordance with the State University of New York Guidelines for Auxiliary Service Corporations (the ''SUNY Guidelines''), as may be amended from time to time, and any contract or other memorandum of understanding then in force between the Corporation and the University. Except as otherwise provided by law, the certificate of incorporation of the Corporation, the Bylaws or the SUNY Guidelines, the Board shall have the power to hold meetings at such times and places it deems advisable to appoint committees, to select and employ an Executive Director responsible to the Board, to manage the operations of the Corporation, to employ other necessary employees, to approve periodic fiscal reports, audited financial statements, and the annual budget of the Corporation and authorize proper expenditures from the same after approval of the budget by the President of the University and the SUNY Vice Chancellor, and to take such other measures as may be necessary or proper to carry out the purposes of the Corporation.

Cultural and Intellectual Climate

Chair: Ben Wilson

Co-chair: Nikolay Karkov

Members: 20

Meeting frequency: Meetings are based on setting the event schedule. It is different each semester.


To choose a theme each year to frame a yearlong series of lectures, discussions, film screenings and art exhibitions. This theme is meant to promote cultural life on campus and help the campus and Cortland community engage in discussions connected to issues relevant to today's world.

Distinguished Professor Committee

Distinguished Professor Committee website

Chair: Christopher McRoberts

Members: 8

Meeting frequency: With active nominations, committee meets multiple times (3-5) between December and January


The committee is empaneled specifically to solicit nominations, to conduct an objective and unbiased evaluation of the merits of proposed candidates, to prepare the final nomination portfolio, and to forward to the campus president or the president's designee only the campus' finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through each distinguished rank. The local selection committee must determine that a candidate meets, and preferably surpasses, the selection criteria for the distinguished designation for which nominated (e.g., that for the distinguished professor, the candidate meets and preferably surpasses the campus' requirements for scholarship).

Distinguished Service Professor Committee

Distinguished Service Professor Committee website

Chair: Anne Burns Thomas

Members: 6

Meeting frequency: As needed


To select and successfully nominate a SUNY Cortland candidate for Distinguished Service Professor.

Distinguished Teaching Professor Committee

Distinguished Teaching Professor Committee website

Chair: Peter M. McGinnis

Members: 8

Meeting frequency: As needed


According the the Distinguished Teaching Professor document created by Faculty Senate several years ago, committee's responsibilities are ''to solicit nominations, to conduct an objective and unbiased evaluation of the merits of proposed candidates, to prepare the final nomination portfolio, and to forward to the campus president or the president's designee only the campus' finest exemplars of the qualities recognized through each distinguished rank.''

Diversity Narratives Project

Diversity Narratives Project website

Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

Members: 12

Meeting frequency: Bi-weekly


Note: The Diversity Narratives Project was completed in the summer of 2021. The charge of the committee members was to assist the SUNY Cortland community narratives project's goals as follows: create a greater representation of diversity in curriculum, highlight underrepresented students, especially students of color, challenge critical thinking about belonging, destigmatize issues of mental health and wellness, build cultural competency, and breakdown limiting assumptions about minoritized groups and create broader visibility of diversity on campus.

Educational Policy Committee

Educational Policy Committee website

Chair: Eric Edlund

Members: 12

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


From the SUNY Cortland Handbook, Section 150.03, Article VII, Part 3a:

  1. To consider and make recommendations to the Faculty Senate on matters related to educational policy, major curricular changes and other areas designated to it by the Senate.
  2. To determine the procedures governing change of academic programs and curricula. The committee shall report to the Senate any procedural changes proposed. If no objection is raised by a member of the Senate within one Senate meeting of the committee's report on the changes, the changes shall be sent to the provost and vice president for academic affairs for approval. If objection is raised, then the Senate will vote on the reported procedural changes.

Environmental Health and Safety

Chair: James FitzGerald

Co-chair: Dan Harms

Members: 13

Meeting frequency: Monthly


  • To solicit and receive from individual members of the committee, faculty, staff and students, concerns regarding matters of health and safety on the campus that have not been resolved through normal administrative channels. Such concerns shall be communicated by the committee to the vice president for finance and management who will reply to the committee within 10 working days. Safety concerns include, but are not limited to the following: employee safety, life safety, toxic/hazardous material handling, storage and disposal, and fire safety.
  • To review existing campus health and safety documents and to recommend modifications and/or additions to such documents.
  • To advise and assist the environmental health and safety officer in the design and implementation of programs intended to inform and educate the university community in matters of workplace health and safety.
  • To establish subcommittees as desired for the purpose of addressing or investigating specific concerns of the committee.

Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee

Chair: Chris Maroney

Members: 13

Meeting frequency: Monthly


From the SUNY Cortland Handbook, Part 130.08, Section VII. Facilities and Master Plan Oversight Committee (FMPOC):

The Facilities and Master Plan Oversight Committee (FMPOC) will oversee space allocation and recommend future space needs as defined by the master plan.

A. Function:

The Facilities and Master Plan Oversight Committee makes nonbinding recommendations to the president on issues and proposals involving campus facilities. The committee is charged with the following responsibilities:

  1. To review requests that involve significant physical change, change of function, reassignment of space to another department or organization, long-term allocation of university space (building and grounds) and/or alternatives to space usage. and make recommendations to the president. Normally, the president, vice presidents or affiliated organizations request committee review of proposals.
  2. To review priorities for capital construction, rehabilitation and space alteration projects and make recommendations to the president.
  3. To review designs and concerns regarding campus grounds plantings, signage, roads, etc. weighing all new proposals in light of their contribution to campus aesthetics and physical harmony.
  4. To regularly assess the progress of the master plan; to continually monitor and review proposals for changes to the master plan ensuring consistency with the mission of the university; and to serve as ombudsperson in resolving future space conflicts that the plan's execution may generate.
  5. To periodically hold an open campus meeting and report on the progress of the master plan update. Once a year a written report on the progress of the master plan shall be submitted to the president and to the chair of the Faculty Senate. The FMPOC has the authority to form subcommittees and designate members from the campus community to oversee a specific part of the master plan, e.g., space utilization, etc.

Faculty Senate

Faculty Senate website

Chair: Kathleen Lawrence

Members: 42

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


  1. To serve as deliberative body for organizing and carrying out the business of the faculty.
  2. To determine those issues which should be taken to the entire faculty and to forward these to the faculty.
  3. To conduct a referendum on a question not contrary to local, state or federal law, or to provisions of these bylaws, at the formal request of at least 25% of the voting faculty.
  4. To carry out those directives of the faculty which are within the jurisdiction of the Senate and not otherwise delegated in these bylaws.
  5. To assume responsibility for:
    • The formulations of the programs of the business and special meetings of the faculty. The initiation of studies and investigations relative to the achievement of the purpose of this organization.
    • The advisement and support of the chair of the Senate in such of the latter's responsibilities as are specified in the SUNY Cortland Handbook Chapter 150.03.
    • The determination of procedures of secret balloting in the elections of the faculty.
    • The publishing of the annual reports of faculty committees.
    • The approval and periodic review of the organizational structure and operating procedures of the graduate faculty. The approval and periodic review of the organizational structure and operating procedures of the part-time faculty.
    • The changing of a provision of any policy or statement passed by the faculty which is discovered to be null and void because of a conflict with a University policy or statement which must take precedence (e.g., The Board of Trustees Policies or the Bargaining Agreement). The Senate shall have the power to change the provision to make it conform to all necessary University policies or statements.

Faculty Senate Steering Committee

Faculty Senate Steering Committee website

Chair: Kathleen Lawrence

Members: 9

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


  1. To receive and prepare agenda items for the Senate and Faculty meetings.
  2. To act on matters referred to it by the Senate.
  3. To identify and initiate proposals for Senate action.
  4. To act for the Faculty Senate during periods when the university is not in session and it is not possible to call a Senate meeting, with such action to be reported to the Senate at the earliest opportunity.

Garden Advisory Committee

Garden Advisory Committee website

Chair: Sarah Beshers

Members: 6

Meeting frequency: Monthly


  • Create and help maintain gardens and edible landscaping in consultation with Facilities Management. SUNY Cortland maintains a Model Garden on campus.
  • Integrate garden and edible landscaping planning into the university's Sustainability, Climate Action and Facilities Master Plans in consultation with Facilities Management.
  • Coordinate educational programs around the topics of gardens and edible landscaping.
  • Facilitate educational use of university gardens in classroom activities, service learning and interactions with the community.
  • Organize faculty, staff, students and community members to assist with gardening.
  • Coordinate the university's Bee Campus USA activities as part of a larger national effort to make communities a better place for pollinators.

Gender Policies and Initiatives Council

Chair: Kathleen Burke

Co-chair: Carol Van Der Karr

Members: 13

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


  • To review and assess issues affecting the campus climate and to plan programs and activities to improve gender climate.
  • To make recommendations to the president on policies that affect gender climate and to seek ways to achieve implementation.

General Education Committee

General Education Committee website

Chair: Lauren deLaubell

Co-chair: Jenn McNamara

Members: 14

Meeting frequency: Biweekly


  1. To be responsible for coordinating all aspects of the General Education Program. This includes, but is not limited to:
    1. Faculty advisement in general education course development.
    2. Development of tools and methodologies for assessment of the program.
  2. To make recommendations to the provost regarding approval of general education courses.
  3. To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding changes in the structure and content of the General Education Program.
  4. To make recommendations to the Educational Policy Committee regarding changes in general education policies.

Graduate Commencement Committee

Chair: April Thompson

Co-chair: Peter McGinnis

Members: 15

Meeting frequency: once in fall semester, every 3-4 weeks for spring semester


To plan for graduate commencement

Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC)

Graduate Faculty Executive Committee (GFEC) website

Chair: Nance S. Wilson

Members: 18

Meeting frequency: Monthly


There shall be a graduate faculty for the purpose of accepting responsibility for graduate curricula and associated graduate academic affairs of the university. The graduate faculty shall provide a direct advisory mission to the administrative officers designated for graduate studies and related affairs. The organizational structure and operating procedures of the graduate faculty shall be subject to ongoing review and approval by the Faculty Senate. A representative of the graduate faculty shall represent it on the Faculty Senate. The graduate faculty shall provide the Senate with a written annual report at the end of the academic year.

Handbook Committee

Chair: April Thompson

Members: 12

Meeting frequency: $con.frequency


  • Review Handbook content and format.
  • Advise the President’s Office on Handbook content.
  • Suggest possible ways to reorganize content.

Honors Advisory Council

Chair: Jenn McNamara

Members: 12

Meeting frequency: As needed


  • Work with all honors students regardless of major.
  • Offer honors courses with depth and breadth.
  • Create community amongst the honors students with activities such as the Raquette Lake retreat.
  • Admit merit scholars to the program.

Honors Convocation Committee

Chair: Philip J. Buckenmeyer

Members: 18

Meeting frequency: Meet monthly in the spring semester prior to April


Responsible for programming the annual Honors Convocation for the purpose of acknowledging students for their academic achievements, particularly those in the top 5% of their class, with awards and scholarships.

Incident Management Team (IMT)

Chair: Mark DePaull

Co-chair: Francis Cullen

Members: 10

Meeting frequency: Monthly


  • Establish incident priorities.
  • Provide overall guidance and direction of emergency planning and operations.
  • Coordinate the allocation of critical resources among various departments during emergencies.
  • Provide guidance to the executive policymakers regarding emergency protocols.

Information Resources Advisory Committee

Chair: Lisa Kahle

Members: 14

Meeting frequency: $con.frequency


  • Act in an advisory capacity to the associate vice president for information resources, who will make recommendations to the president.
  • Review and provide feedback on Information Resources’ campus-wide vision, strategic plan and policies on technology and library services provided to the campus.
  • Serve as a campus forum regarding information technology and library issues and initiatives.

    Information Resources Security Advisory Committee

    Chair: Josh Peluso

    Members: 16

    Meeting frequency: $con.frequency


    • Act in an advisory capacity to the senior director of information systems and security and the associate vice president for information resources, who will make recommendations to the president.
    • Provide feedback to the Information Resources Security Office and the senior director of information systems and security in achieving the goals of the information resources security program and initiatives.
    • Review and provide comment on information resources security program decisions and increase awareness of its priorities.

    Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee

    Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee website

    Chair: Carol Van Der Karr

    Members: 20

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    With the goals of institutional effectiveness, growth and transparency, the Institutional Planning and Assessment Committee (IPAC) is responsible for coordinating the work of institutional strategic planning and supporting planning and assessment throughout the campus. This includes recommending a meaningful and assessable university-wide plan to the President's Cabinet, monitoring evidence indicators, assessing the plan, allocating strategic funds in alignment with the plan (as available), and updating the plan as need to align with the mission and needs of the students and the campus.

    Intergroup Dialogue

    Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

    Members: 0

    Meeting frequency: On hold


    • Assist participants in enhancing their skills in the area of multicultural competency development, cross-cultural communications, problem solving, teamwork and collaboration.

    Since the dialogues are most effective and best done in person, they were placed on hold during the pandemic. A list of members is not currently available.

    Joint Committee on Student Interests

    Joint Committee on Student Interests website

    Chair: Katarina Silvestri

    Co-chair: SGA president

    Members: 7

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Consider and recommend to the Faculty and Student Senates, and their committees, matters related to policies and procedures, academic services, and other such matters that directly concern students.
    • Make recommendations for new policies and procedures, or other such student related matters designated to it by the Faculty or Student Senates.
    • Work collaboratively to address joint resolutions that pertain to both governing bodies. The individual(s) selected to represent the faculty or student senates on the Joint Committee on Student Interests shall attend all Faculty and Student Senate meetings and report on the work of the governing body they represent. In the event that these individuals cannot attend a meeting, they will designate another member of similar classification (faculty or student) to appear in their absence.
    • Be responsible for recruiting applicants, reviewing applications, and selecting winners for the Faculty Senate and the Faculty Memorial Scholarships.

    Non-Traditional Student Support Advisory Committee

    Chair: N/A

    Members: 8

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Discuss the ways we are supporting our non-traditional student population, and, perhaps, ways to improve on this support.
    • Identify who our non-traditional students are and the best ways to reach them.

    Parking Committee

    Chair: Juanita Larrabee

    Members: 8

    Meeting frequency: $con.frequency


    • To maintain a current inventory of all parking spaces on campus with the designation type in conjunction with Facilities Management and the University Police Department. To review all the parking policies and parking designation and make recommendations as needed for any future policies in response to the campus operations and demands.
    • To solicit input from the campus regarding parking needs, issues and concerns in order to explore options to promote sustainability and minimize or reduce parking on campus, including carpooling and mass transit options.
    • To review current and proposed parking patterns and needs and make recommendations to Facilities Master Plan Oversight Committee, especially as related to construction and renovation projects prior to their implementation. Act as a clearinghouse of information to communicate between the needs of physical plant, contractors, and the campus-community prior to implementation.
    • To explore ways to minimize parking violations regarding enforcement options in conjunction with UPD.
    • This committee will not review ticket violations or permitting. These duties are performed by other entities.

    Phi Kappa Phi Executive Committee

    Chair: John Foley

    Members: 6

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Supervise annual and long-range planning of chapter activities.
    • Advise and assist chapter officers and committees.
    • Have jurisdiction over matters pertaining to the chapter but not provided for in these Bylaws or in the Society Bylaws.
    • Elect delegates to conventions and other meetings of the Society.
    • In the event of the loss of any chapter officer by reason of death, removal, incapacity, or resignation, to appoint a temporary officer to serve until the election of new officers.

    President's Council on Inclusive Excellence

    President's Council on Inclusive Excellence website

    Chair: Lorraine Lopez-Janove

    Co-chair: Christopher Ortega

    Members: 22

    Meeting frequency: Biweekly


    • Review campus climate, recruitment and retention practices, curriculum and community outreach efforts in order to recommend initiatives, policies and procedures that will enable SUNY Cortland to achieve and sustain inclusive excellence. The scope of work includes one or more of the following:
      • Defining and articulating inclusive excellence as well as diversity terminology at Cortland.
      • Proposing institutional policies, procedures and practices on the use preferred pronouns and religious observances.
      • Serving as a sounding board and provide recommendations on major university initiatives from a diversity lens/perspective.
      • Requesting presentations and meetings with university officials regarding SUNY Cortland and SUNY System updates on diversity.
      • Preparing for incoming transfer and international students by improving intercultural competency on campus.
      • Leveraging and increasing the visibility of courses, programs, resources and opportunities within the university that are already promoting inclusivity.
      • Sponsoring and hosting major workshops, trainings or speakers on diversity.
      • Conducting diversity climate assessments to provide a baseline against which to measure future progress towards inclusive excellence on campus.

    PRODiG Committee

    Chair: Andrea Lachance

    Members: 8

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Develop, implement and oversee a plan for increasing diversity of our faculty in line with the guidelines of SUNY System Promoting Recruitment, Opportunity, Diversity, Inclusion and Growth (PRODiG) program.

    Professional Affairs Committee

    Professional Affairs Committee website

    Chair: Stuart Daman

    Members: 11

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Consider and recommend to the Senate matters related to professional employees, their welfare, and other related subjects designated to it by the Senate. The committee also will review requests from professional employees regarding issues that are not addressed and/or resolved by existing formal processes and will consider such matters as the committee deems appropriate.
    • Conduct periodic review of procedures and policies related to the employment of professionals, including mechanisms for advancement, rank, permanent appointment, et al, as outlined in the SUNY Cortland Handbook and contained in the current Agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions, including pertinent Memoranda of Understanding. To propose any changes in language or policy related to the above, as agreed upon by the committee, to the appropriate organization through the appropriate liaison or committee.
    • Communicate important Senate matters to professional employees, at the discretion of the committee.

    Resource Advisory Council

    Resource Advisory Council website

    Chair: Kathleen Burke

    Co-chair: Jody Maroney

    Members: 16

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    1) Ensure alignment of the institutional operating budget with the New York state, SUNY and university timelines.

    2) Create and review policies and procedures associated with requesting funding and the decision-making process to ensure alignment with the campus strategic plan.

    3) Develop mechanisms to educate and effectively communicate financial information to the campus community.

    (effective March 22, 2022)


    Co-chair: Jody Maroney, assistant vice president for finance
    Co-chair: Kathleen Burke, professor, Economics Department

    Rich Coyne, vice president for institutional advancement
    Wendy Cranmer, associate vice president for human resources
    Andrea Lachance, dean, School of Education
    Lisa Kahle, associate vice president for information resources
    Kathleen Lawrence, professor, Communications and Media Studies Department; Faculty Senate chair
    Lorraine Lopez-Janove, chief diversity and inclusion officer
    Lynn MacDonald, interim dean, School of Professional Studies
    Christopher Maroney, associate vice president for facilities management
    Bruce Mattingly, dean, School of Arts and Sciences
    Ann McClellan, provost and vice president for academic affairs
    Greg Sharer, vice president for student affairs
    Mike Urtz, director of athletics
    Carol Van Der Karr, vice provost for academic affairs and institutional effectiveness
    Mark Yacavone, vice president for finance and management

    Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression

    Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression website

    Chair: Erin Morris

    Members: 30

    Meeting frequency: Biweekly


    • Foster a safe, positive and supportive environment for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, asexual, ally intersex and pansexual (LGBTQAIP+) communities and individuals at SUNY Cortland.
    • Provide advocacy and support the development of curriculum, scholarship, events and programs that are both educational and social and are designed to cultivate positive attitudes toward and support of LGBTQAIP+ individuals and issues.

    Student Learning Outcomes

    Chair: Carol Van Der Karr

    Members: 13

    Meeting frequency: Biweekly


    In 2015-16, the committee was charged with:

    • Reviewing the Middle States Commission on Higher Education recommendations on program assessment and formulate plan for response.
    • Coordinating the collection of student learning outcomes for each academic and student development program.
    • Assisting departments with SLO refinement or articulation as needed.
    • Developing and implementing plan for inclusion of SLOs in the Catalogs.
    • Making recommendations to improve resources to support SLO assessment.
    • Identifying overlap in assessment requirements including annual reports, program review and accreditation

    SUNY Cortland Sustainability Coalition

    Chair: Matthew Brubaker

    Members: 12

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    • Review the President's Climate Commitment and identify its implications for SUNY Cortland.
    • Develop and disseminate to the campus a Climate Action Plan for SUNY Cortland.
    • Establish a timeline for attainment of goals set forth in the President's Climate Commitment, with specific attention to developing an internal timeline for the SUNY Cortland campus.
    • Oversee an ongoing inventory of all emissions on campus, with periodic submissions to ACUPCC.
    • Complete required annual reporting to ACUPCC and Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating System (STARS) tracking system.
    • Collaborate with SUNY System Administration on SUNY-wide sustainability initiatives.
    • Meet regularly to carry out the priorities listed above.

    Sustainability Curriculum Committee

    Chair: Jeremy Jimenez

    Co-chair: Kati Ahern

    Members: 8

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Inventory sustainability and sustainability-related courses offered at the university based on Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Sustainability Tracking, Assessment and Rating Systems (STARS) definitions.
    • Prepare data in a report to share with STARS for updating the university’s 2024 certification.

    • Make recommendations for how more courses could include sustainability concepts and how the university could incentivize development of new/revised sustainability courses.

    • Develop a sustainability attribute and decide criteria for which courses can have this attitude.

    • Develop a sustainability certificate and/or a sustainability minor.

    Teacher Education Council

    Chair: Andrea Lachance

    Members: 36

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    • Serve as the advising and disseminating body of the Teacher Education Unit which represents all B.A., B.S., B.S.Ed., M.S.Ed., M.S.T., M.A.T. and C.A.S. teacher education programs at SUNY Cortland.
    • Facilitate collaboration between teacher education faculty and other stakeholders in the teacher education process.
    • Lead efforts toward professional, scholarly and intellectual excellence in the university's teacher education programs.
    • Conduct itself in an atmosphere of open, full and intellectually vigorous discourse.

    There are 26 voting members and 10 ex-officio members.

    Title IX Athletics Self-Study Committee

    Chair: Maggie Wetter

    Co-chair: Kathleen Burke

    Members: 7

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    • Review SUNY Cortland's athletic program compliance with regard to sex and gender equity. This review will be conducted every five years. In each report, the task force will document findings and recommendations for the additional advancement of the university's compliance status.

    Title IX Campus Representatives Group

    Chair: Maggie Wetter

    Members: 15

    Meeting frequency: As needed


    • Review the current legal and practical implications of state and federal compliance standards as it relates to sex and gender equity.
    • Meet no less than three times a year to discuss ongoing trends, prevention and education efforts, and changes in state or federal policy.

    Tobacco and Nicotine Advisory Committee

    Chair: Lauren Scagnelli

    Co-chair: Eve Mascoli

    Members: 12

    Meeting frequency: Monthly


    • Identify and address needs and concerns related to the Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Campus Policy, implementation, compliance, and cessation.
    • Review this policy annually to ensure that it is sustained, effective, timely and in accordance with state and federal laws.
    • Advise the administration regarding issues related to the Tobacco/Nicotine-Free Campus Policy.
    • Continue to explore ways to encourage tobacco/nicotine (including vape) cessation on the campus.
    • Continue to review the policy to ensure it is sustained, effective and up to date.
    • Revive, review, and update the education materials, including the webpage, about the tobacco/nicotine free campus being a culture change and a shared, community responsibility.
    • Continue to assess tobacco/nicotine use, including electronic devices.
    • Explore methods to discourage tobacco,, litter and encourage respect for the environment.

    Transformations Committee

    Chair: Bruce Mattingly

    Members: 13

    Meeting frequency: About five meetings per year — two planning meetings in the fall; meeting in early spring to finalize artwork and call for presentations, second meeting in spring to schedule the presentations; meeting in late spring to debrief on the event


    • Organize and plan all aspects of SUNY Cortland's annual student research conference.

    Tree Campus USA Advisory Committee

    Chair: Dan Dryja

    Members: 10

    Meeting frequency: Once every other month


    1. Maintain SUNY Cortland’s Tree Campus USA status annually and send a committee representative to the annual conference.

    2. Maintain and update our campus tree inventory as well as the university’s Tree Campus Walk.

    3. Initiate activities and participation in campus-wide sustainability events throughout the year, including Sustainability Week, Arbor Day, Sandwich Seminars and Make a Difference Day.

    4. Advise campus on tree plantings and removals and new species when projects arise.

    Undergraduate Commencement Committee

    Chair: April Thompson

    Members: 22

    Meeting frequency: Once in fall semester, every 3-4 weeks in spring semester


    • Plan for Undergraduate Commencement.

    University Curriculum Review Committee (UCRC)

    University Curriculum Review Committee (UCRC) website

    Chair: Katherine Polasek

    Members: 15

    Meeting frequency: Biweekly


    University Curriculum Review Committee/Graduate Faculty Executive Committee

    • Identify significant overlap or duplication of course or program with existing curriculum
    • Determine if the proposal affects the offerings of another department
    • Recommend policy changes to the appropriate committee