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Support O'Heron Newman Catholic Chapel

Ministry at O'Heron Newman Catholic Chapel is partially funded by the Hope Appeal of the Diocese of Syracuse. However, often times we find we are in need of additional funds in order to heat and maintain our building, purchase supplies for our programming and allow the opportunity for our students to attend retreats with other colleges.

The students do a number of fundraisers throughout the school year to help bring in more funding, but we could always use your help to keep O'Heron Newman Hall growing.  You can send a donation to the Newman Foundation of Cortland, Inc., 8 Calvert St., Cortland, NY 13045. The Foundation is a 501c3 non-profit organization; gifts are tax deductible in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code.

It is also possible to support the ministry at O'Heron Newman Hall Catholic Chapel during your day to day shopping.  We participate in the Amazon Smile program, which allows us to receive a percentage of your purchases.  All you need to do is log into and choose Newman Foundation of Cortland, Inc. as your charity to support.  Then you can shop just as you would through Amazon normally.  


"The point is this: he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully." (2 Corinthians 9:6)