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Academic Requirements


The SUNY Cortland Honors Program prepares students to take leading roles in their communities and their chosen professions.  Through a variety of unique courses culminating in the senior thesis experience, the Honors Program provides enriched opportunities that foster the development of skills, confidence, critical thinking and independent scholarship.


In the first two years, honors students explore a breath of topics in the context of honors courses that satisfy Cortland General Education requirements.  In the second two years, students focus their study on advanced work in their major.  A course in the major or minor can be taken as an honors contract course.  The required senior honors thesis is the capstone experience of the Honors Program. 


  1. A total of 24 honors credits.
  2. INT 290 Sophomore Colloquium: Introduction to Scholarship.
  3. INT 390 Junior Colloquium: Thesis Proposal.
  4. INT 499 Senior Thesis.

Four-Year Plan

Fall Freshman Year (7 cr)

COR 101 (1)

ENG 110 (3)

Honors Elective/GE (3)

Spring Freshman Year (3 cr)

Honors Elective/GE (3)

Fall Sophomore Year (4 cr)

INT 360/70/80

Honors Elective/GE (3)

Spring Sophomore Year (1 cr)

INT 290 (1)


Fall Junior Year (2 cr)

INT 390 (1)

INT 360/70/80

Spring Junior Year (4 cr)

Contract Course or Honors Elective/GE

INT 360/70/80

Fall Senior Year (0 cr)

Begin Thesis Research

Spring Senior Year (3 cr)

INT 499