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Curriculum Action 2009-2010

Curriculum Actions, 2009-2010

(July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010)

The following curriculum actions have been approved at our campus level. Some programs are currently at SUNY System, while others are at the State Education Department for review or have been fully approved and officially registered.

Alteration of Existing Programs

(* designates necessary SUNY and SED Approval)

  • Literacy Master's Program (creation of a new track for certification; creation of three separate field experiences)

Changes to SUNY GE Program

Formal approval by SUNY System has been given to the following changes in courses in the designated categories:

Additions (effective fall 2010)

  • Category 1
  • Category 5
  • Category 7
  • Category 8
  • Category 11
  • Category 12

Deletions (effective spring 2010)

  • Category 3
  • Category 5
  • Category 7

New Courses

  • LIT 682: Assessment and Instruction of Learners Experiencing Literacy Difficulties
  • LIT 683: Field Experience B-6
  • LIT 684: Field Experience 5-12
  • LIT 685: Field Experience B-12

Deletion of Existing Courses

  • LIT 680: Assessment and Instruction of Learners Experiencing Literacy Difficulty, B-Grade 6
  • LIT 680-02: Field Experience for LIT 680
  • LIT 681: Assessment and Instruction of Learners Experiencing Literacy Difficulty, Grade 5-Grade 12
  • LIT 681-02: Field Experience for LIT 681