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2022 Middle States Self-Study

Self-Study Process

Every eight years, we conduct a Self-Study that is a comprehensive review of our outcomes, policies and governance. We do this using a process outlined by MSCHE and based on a set of seven standards, requirements of affiliation and our own mission and strategic plan.

The main elements of the Self-Study are:

  1. Institutional Self-Study Design written by SUNY Cortland and approved by MSCHE
  2. Research, analysis and findings work based on the Self-Study Design
  3. MSCHE coordinates a Visiting Team to come to SUNY Cortland and review the self-study. This team makes a recommendation to the Commission on our accreditation status.
  4. The Middle States Commission reviews our self-study and visiting team report to make a final determination on accreditation.

Goals for our Self-Study

Middle States is looking for an authentic self-review, involving the whole campus, that is focused on outcomes and with strong evidence to support our findings. In addition, we created the following goals for our self-study:

  1. Achieve reaccreditation by demonstrating compliance with the Middle States Standards, Requirements of Affiliation, and federal compliance.
  2. Acknowledge and celebrate work of campus constituents.
  3. Analyze and identify areas of strength and improvement within the strategic plan based on evidence.
  4. Identify opportunities for innovation and directions for the future.
  5. Articulate the relationship of Middle States Standards and Requirements of Affiliation, SUNY Chancellor’s Four Strategic Pillars, and institutional mission, priorities and objectives.
  6. Increase engagement and institutional knowledge among members of the campus community through a reflective, inclusive and transparent self-appraisal process.
  7. Increase alignment between the institutional strategic plan, divisional plans, and major campus plans including the Diversity Plan and Facilities Master Plan.
  8. Increase use of evidence-based decision-making and expand the culture of continuous improvement.
  9. Standardize operating procedure for assessment.

Bringing MSCHE Standard and Requirements Together with SUNY Cortland's Strategic Plan

Our self-study is an integrated look at the MSCHE Standards and Requirements of Affiliation along with the priorities and objectives of the campus outlined in our Strategic Plan. One of the first steps in our process was to map out how all of these are related as demonstrated in our alignment table.