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College Research Committee


Membership shall be appointed to this committee by action of the Faculty Senate. The Committee on Committees shall prepare the nominations for Senate action. When determining the slate of nominees the Committee on Committees shall give due consideration to the major responsibilities of the nominees for reviewing proposals and recommending College policy regarding research. Those nominated should either have been successful at obtaining funding for their own research, or have had experience in reviewing proposals for an agency outside of the College. In addition, where possible the Committee on Committees should attempt to provide for equal representation by areas of the College. The appointed members of the committee shall serve three-year staggered terms and shall elect a chair for a one-year term. The administrative officers of the College who are primarily responsible for the research function shall serve as ex officio members of the committee without vote.


  • To collaborate with the College's director of sponsored programs to provide interested faculty with information about, and assistance with, obtaining support for their research.
  • To make recommendations to the Faculty Senate regarding the development of policies and to implement policies which may affect the research function of the faculty.
  • To be responsible for the Faculty Research Program.
  • To consult with the appropriate officers and organizations in making recommendations for matters of College policy regarding research.
  • To make periodic reports and file a written annual report at the end of the academic year.
  • To actively pursue sources of external funding appropriately matched to specific faculty research interests.