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NYS Bike Rules and Regulations

N.Y.S. Vehicle and Traffic Law

  • 102-a – Definition of Bicycle Lane
    • A portion of the roadway which has been designated by stripping, signing and pavement markings for the preferential or exclusive use of bicycles.
  • 102-b – Definition of Bicycle Path
    • A path physically separated from motorized vehicle traffic by an open space or barrier and either within the highway right–of-way or within an independent right-of-way and which is intended for the use of bicycles.
  • 375(24-a) - Equipment
    • Rider cannot wear more than one earphone attached to radio, tape player or other audio device while riding.
  • 1231 - Traffic Laws Applicable to Persons Riding Bicycles
    • Bicyclists are granted all rights and subject to all duties applicable to operator of vehicle except where not applicable.
  • 1232 - Riding on bicycles
    • Must ride on a permanent seat;
    • Feet must be on pedals;
    • Bike must carry only number of persons for which it is designed and equipped.
  • 1233 - Clinging to vehicles
    • No attaching bike or person to another vehicle being operated on the roadway.
  • 1234 - Riding on roadways, shoulders, bicycle lanes and bicycle paths
    • Must ride bicycle on the right side of the roadway (some conditions and exceptions
    • No more than two abreast.
  • 1235 - Carrying articles
    • Rider must keep at least one hand on handlebars when carrying packages.
  • 1236 - Lamps and other equipment
    • White headlight and red taillight must be used from dusk to dawn;
    • Bell or other audible signal (not whistle) required;
    • Working brakes required;
    • Reflective tires and/or other reflective devices required.
  • 1237 - Hand and arm signals
    • Bicyclists are required to use hand signals to turn left and right and to stop or decrease speed;
    • Rider can use either hand to signal a right turn.
  • 1238 - Helmets and carrying children
    • A child under age one is not permitted to ride on a bicycle.
    • A child one or more years of age but less than five years of age must wear an approved helmet and be carried in a properly affixed child carrier.
    • A child five or more years of age but less than fourteen years of age must wear an approved helmet.