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Molloy College

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies Molloy College


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements. 

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit

Courses with no Cortland equivalency are not yet evaluated.  Contact Advisement and Transition for individual review.


Molloy College

Credits Course Title (Molloy) SUNY Cortland Equivalent


ACC 2600


Accounting I

MGT 254

ACC 2610


Accounting II



ART 1020



ATS 101

ART 1350


Art in the Western World I

ATH 121

ART 1360 3 Art in the Western World II ATH 122

American Sign Language

ASL 1010 3 Beginning American Sign Language I ASL 101
ASL 1020 3 Beginning American Sign Language II ASL 102


BIO 1200 4 Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BIO 1210 4 Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 302
BIO 1260 4 General Biology I BIO 110 or BIO 201
BIO 1270 4 General Biology II BIO 111/113 or BIO 202
BIO 1510 3 Marine Biology BIO 1XX
BIO 2450 4 Microbiology BIO 304

Business Management/Finance

BUS 201 3 Business Management MGT 250
FIN 250 2 Principles of Finance MGT 2XX


CHE 1120 4 Organic and Biological Chemistry CHE 121
CHE 1320 4 Inorganic Chemistry I CHE 227/CHE 277
CHE 1330 5 Inorganic Chemistry II CHE 228/CHE 278

Computer Information Systems/Computer Science

CIS/CSC 1030 3 Visual Programming CAP 204
CIS/CSC 1050 3 Computer Applications for Business CAP 1XX
CIS/CSC 2350 3 Introduction to Web Scripting CAP 2XX
CIS/CSC 1000 3 Computer System Introduction CAP 100


COM 1170 3 Experiences in Media Literacy COM 1XX
COM 1220 3 Creative Drama COM 1XX
NMD 2430 3 Introduction to New Media COM 110

Criminal Justice

CRJ 1010 3 Foundations of Justice CRM 202
CRJ 1020 3 Introduction to American Jurisprudence CRM 1XX
CRJ 2030 3 Theories of Crime CRM 463
CRJ 2130 3 Criminalistics: Introduction to Forensics GEN 1XX
CRJ 2270 3 Violence and Aggression CRM 365
CRJ 3400 3 Women and Crime CRM 3XX


ECO 2000 3 Introductory Economics ECO 1XX
ECO 2510 3 Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECO 2520 3 Microeconomics ECO 111
ECO 3150 3 Money, Banking and Financial Markets ECO 3XX


ENG 1000 3 Introduction to College Composition CPN 100
ENG 1100 3 College Composition CPN 101
ENG 1610 3 Introduction to Poetry and Drama ENG 203
ENG 2320 3 Creative Writing PWR 212
ENG 2330 3 Introduction to Newswriting COM 203
ENG 2440 3 Major American Writers II ENG 326
ENG 3440 3 Modern and Contemporary Drama ENG 204

Environmental Studies

ENV 1010 3 Introduction to Environmental Issues EST 100


ETH 288 3 Introduction to Bioethics PHI 321


FRE 1010 3 Beginning French I FRE 101
FRE 1020 3 Beginning French II FRE 102
FRE 2010 3 Beginning French III FRE 201
FRE 2150 3 Francophone Cultures FRE 202

Freshman Studies

FST 1000 1 The College Experience CLS 101


HIS 1010 3 Western Civilization I HIS 110
HIS 1020 3 Western Civilization II HIS 111
HIS 1110 3 American Civilization I HIS 200
HIS 1120 3 American Civilization II HIS 201


ITA 1010 3 Beginning Italian I ITA 101
ITA 1020 3 Beginning Italian II

ITA 102

ITA 2010 3 Beginning Italian III ITA 201
ITA 2150 3 Intermediate Italian Conversation ITA 202


MAT 1100 3 Basic College Mathematics MAT 1XX
MAT 1150 3 Elementary Statistics MAT 201
MAT 1160 3 College Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 111
MAT 1180 3 Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MAT 1290 3 Elementary Statistics for Business MAT 201
MAT 2200 3 Calculus for Science and Business MAT 121
MAT 2210 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MAT 2220 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MAT 2290 3 Discrete Mathematical Structures MAT 2XX


MKT 2300 3 Principles of Marketing MGT 253


MUS 1010 2 Theory Fundamentals MUS 1XX
MUS 1020 2 Sight Singing/Ear Training I MUS 1XX
MUS 1120 3 Harmony I MUS 1XX
MUS 2030 3 Music in the 20th Century


MUS 2130 3 Harmony II MUS 1XX
MUS 2900 3 Music and Society Through History MUS 100


PHI 1000 3 Philosophy: The Pursuit of Wisdom PHI 100
PHI 2680 3 Philosophy of Religion PHI 1XX
ETH 2540 3 Ethics, Justice and Society PHI 135
PHI 2790 3 The Problem of Happiness PHI 2XX
PHI 2900 3 Civilized Ideas PHI 2XX


PHY 1600 3 Physics for the Health Sciences PHY 1XX
PHY 1880 3 College Physics I PHY 1XX
PHY 1890 3 College Physics II PHY 1XX
PHY 2700 4 General Physics I PHY 105
PHY 2710 4 General Physics II PHY 106

Political Science

POL 1010 3 American National Government POL 100


PSY 1110 3 General Psychology PSY 101
PSY 2040 3 Developmental Psychology PSY 333


SOC 1010 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150


SPA 1010 3 Beginning Spanish I SPA 101
SPA 1020 3 Beginning Spanish II SPA 102
SPA 2010 3 Beginning Spanish III SPA 201
SPA 2150 3 Intermediate Spanish Conversation SPA 202

Speech Language Pathology/Audiology

SLP 2700 3 Sound and the Auditory Mechanism SHH 281
SLP 3700 3 Introduction to Audiology SHH 383


TRS 2520 3 Contemporary Catholicism RLS 1XX