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International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate (IB)



Cortland Equivalent & (credit hours)

Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
English A: Literature (ENGLIT) or English A: Language and Literature (ENGLAN) 4 or 5
CPN 100 (3), CPN 101 (3)
6 or 7 CPN 100 (3), CPN 101 (3) & ENG 200 (3)

Group 2: Language Acquisition - French, Spanish, or Mandarin

Language AB Initio: courses for beginners (LANAB) 4 SPA 101 or FRE 101 or CHI 101 or ITA 101(3)
5, 6, or 7

SPA 101 & SPA 102 (6)
FRE 101 & FRE 102 (6)

CHI 101 & CHI 102 (6)

ITA 101 & ITA 102 (6)

Language B: Foreign language for students with previous experience-2-4 years (LANB) 4 SPA 102, FRE 102, CHI 102, or ITA 102 (3)
5 SPA 201, FRE 201, CHI 201, or ITA 201 (3)
6 SPA 202, FRE 202, CHI 202, or ITA 202 (3)
7 SPA 307, FRE 305, CHI 3XX, or ITA 3XX (3)
Classical Languages: Latin or Classical Greek (CLAS) 
FLR 101 (3)
5, 6, 7 FLR 101 (3) & FLR 102 (3)

Group 3: Individuals & Societies

Business & Management (MGT)
4, 5, 6, 7
MGT 253 (3) & MGT 254 (3) & MGT 255 (3)
Economics SL (ECOSL)

4, 5, 6, 7

ECO 111 (3)

Economics HL (ECOHL)

4, 5, 6, 7

ECO 110 (3) & ECO 111 (3)

Geography SL or HL (GRY) 4, 5, 6, 7 GRY 125 (3)

History  SL or HL (HIS)

4, 5, 6, 7 HIS 1XX (3) - All history courses will transfer initially as history electives.  Student must provide high school course outline for review for specific course equivalencies.

Information Technology in a Global Society (CAP)

4 or 5

CAP 100 (3)

6 or 7 CAP 100 (3) & CAP 104 (3)
Philosophy (PHI) 4, 5, 6, or 7 PHI 100 (3)
Global Politics (GLOB) 4, 5, 6, or 7 POL 101 (3)
Psychology (PSY) 4 or 5 PSY 101 (3)
6 or 7 PSY 101 (3) & PSY 2XX (3)
Social & Cultural Anthropology (ANT) 4, 5, 6, 7 ANT 102 (3)

World Religions (RLS)

4, 5, 6, 7

RLS 200 (3)

Group 4: Sciences

Biology (BIO) 4 or 5

BIO 201 (4) OR 202 (4) -BIO majors

BIO 110 (4) OR 111/113 (4) - non-BIO majors

6 or 7

BIO 201 (4) & 202 (4) – BIO majors

BIO 110 (4) & 111/113 (4) – non-BIO majors

Computer Science (MCS) 4, 5, 6 or 7 MCS 186 (3)
Chemistry (CHE) 4 or 5 CHE 227, 277 (4)
6 or 7 CHE 227, 277 (4) & CHE 228, 278 (4)
Design Technology (DES) 4, 5 ,6 or 7 GEN 1XX (3)
Environmental Systems (EST) 4, 5, 6, or 7 EST 100 (3)
Physics (PHY) 4 or 5 PHY 105 (4)
6 or 7 PHY 201 (4)
Sports, Exercise and Health Science (EXS) 4, 5, 6, 7 EXS 1XX (3)
Group 5: Mathematics

Mathematical Studies SL (MSTSL)

4 or 5

MAT 111 (3)

6 or 7 MAT 111 (3) & MAT 115 (3)
Mathematics SL (MATSL) 4 or 5 MAT 115 (3)
6 or 7 MAT 115 (3) & MAT 121 (3)
Mathematics HL (MATHL) 4 or 5 MAT 115 (3)
6 or 7 MAT 115 (3) & MAT 135 (4)
Further (Advanced) Mathematics SL (ADVMAT) 4, 5, 6, or 7 MAT 201 (3)
Mathematics Applications and Interpretations (MATAP) 4, 5, 6, or 7 MAT 105 (3)
Mathematics Analysis and Approaches (MATANA) 4, 5, 6, or 7 MAT 115 (3)

Group 6: The Arts

Visual Arts (ATS)

4 or 5

LAS 1XX (3) *see note below

6 or 7

LAS 1XX (6) - Student will be awarded Liberal Arts elective credit.  Credit for specific art studio courses can be awarded by Art Dept. after portfolio review.  

Music (MUS)

4, 5, 6, or 7

MUS 100 (3)

Theatre (THT)

4, 5, 6, or 7

THT 100 (3)

Dance (DNC) 4, 5, 6, or 7 DNC 1XX (3)
Film (CIN) 4, 5, 6, or 7 CIN 208 (3)
Literature and Performance (LITPER) 4, 5, 6 or 7 LAS 1XX (3)

Grading Schemes & Results:

1. Very Poor,  2. Poor,  3. Mediocre,  4. Satisfactory,  5. Good,  6. Very Good,  7. Excellent

More information on the IB curriculum, visit their website for the Diploma Programme Curriculum