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College of Environmental Science and Forestry

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies – College of Environmental Science and Forestry


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.  

1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.

LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective

GEN XXX = General Elective credit



 Course Title   (ESF)

 SUNY Cortland


ANT 121

People and Cultures of the World ANT 102
Applied Mathematics   
APM 104 3 College Algebra and Pre-Calculus MAT 111
APM 105 4 Survey of Calculus and Applications I MAT 121
APM 106 4 Survey of  Calculus and Applications II MAT 122
APM 255 3 Computing Applications CAP 100
APM 391 3 Introduction to Probability and Statistics MAT 201

APM 485

3 Differential Equations for Scientists/Engineers MAT 336
Composition, Library and Literature    
CLL 190 3 Writing and the Environment CPN 100
CLL 290 3 Writing, Humanities and the Environment CPN 101
CMN 220 3 Public Presentation Skills COM 210
Environmental and Forest Biology    
EFB 120 3 Global Environment EST 100
EFB 132 1 Orientation Seminar: Environmental Forest Biology CLS 101
EFB 202 3 Ecological Monitoring and Biodiversity Assessment BIO 310
EFB 220 3 General Ecology BIO 412
EFB 226 4 General Botany BIO 201
EFB 285 4 Principles of Zoology BIO 202
EFB 307 and 308


Principles of Genetics and Lab BIO 312
EFB 311 3 Principles of Evolution BIO 422
EFB 385 4 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy BIO 402
EFB 413 3 Introduction to Conservation Biology BIO 4XX
EFB 480 4 Principles of Animal Behavior BIO 409
ESF 200 1 Information Literacy GEN 2XX
Environmental Studies    
EST 200 3 Cultural Ecology LAS 2XX
EST 201 3 American History: Reconstruction to Present HIS 201
EST 225 3 Introduction to Legal Processes POL 202
EST 221 3 Introduction to American Government POL 100
FCH 132 1 Orientation Seminar: Chemistry CLS 101
FCH 150 3 General Chemistry I CHE 227
FCH 151 1 General Chemistry I Lab with FCH 150 CHE 277
FCH 152 3 General Chemistry II CHE 228
FCH 153 1 General Chemistry II Lab with FCH 152 CHE 278
FCH 210 4 Elements of Organic Chemistry CHE 2XX
FCH 221 3 Organic Chemistry I CHE 300
FCH 222 1 Organic Chemistry I Lab  CHE 303
FCH 223 3 Organic Chemistry II CHE 302
FCH 224 1 Organic Chemistry II Lab CHE 304
FCH 360 3 Physical Chemistry I CHE 431
FCH 361 3 Physical Chemistry II CHE 432
Fine Arts    
FIA 165 3 Understanding Music I MUS 100
FOR 202 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
FOR 203 3 Western Civilization & the Environment GLY 2XX
FOR 207 3 Introduction to Economics ECO 2XX
FOR 345 3 Soils GLY 3XX
FOR 360 3 Principles of Management MGT 250
HST 102 3 American History Since 1865 HIS 201
HST 211 3 Medieval – Renaissance Europe HIS 110
Landscape Architecture    
LSA 182 3 Drawing Studio ATS 101
LSA 226 4 Foundation Design Studio  ATS 102
MAT 275 Abstract Math MAT 224
PHY 101 Physics PHY 201
PSY 205 Foundations of  Human Behavior PSY 101
Religious Studies    
REL 205 Ancient Greek Religions RLS 2XX
SUS 496 3 Ecology BIO 4XX