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Buffalo State College

State University of New York College at Cortland

Credit Equivalencies – SUNY Buffalo State College


NOTE:  Please refer to the current Cortland course catalog for information regarding major requirements.
1XX, 2XX, 3XX or XXX – Cortland does not have an equivalent, but student will receive elective credit.
LAS XXX = Liberal Arts & Science Elective
GEN XXX = General Elective credit


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
ANT 100 3 Human Origins ANT 1XX
ANT 101 3 Understanding Culture ANT 1XX
ANT 144 3 Folklore and Life ANT 1XX


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
BIO 100 3 Principles of Biology BIO 110
BIO 101 3 Human Biology BIO 1XX
BIO 104 3 Environmental Biology SCI 1XX
BIO 311 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIO 301
BIO 312 4 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIO 302


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
BUS 116 3 Introduction to Business MGT 250 or MGT 2XX
BUS 325 3 Human Resource Management MGT 385
BUS 430 3 Strategic Management MGT 454

University College   

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
BSC 101 3 Foundations of Inquiry LAS 1XX


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
COM 100 3 Media Literacy COM 301
COM 103 3 Introduction to Human Communication COM 100
COM 210 3 Introduction to Media Writing COM 203
COM 215 3 Introduction to Visual Communication COM 2XX
COM 302 3 Interviewing COM 311
COM 306 3 Public Speaking COM 210
COM 321 3 Rhetorical Criticism COM 3XX
COM 400 3 Communication Law COM 400


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
CHE 100 3 Chemistry and Society CHE 1XX
CHE 101 3 General Chemistry I CHE 121
CHE 102 3 General Chemistry II CHE 122
CHE 111 and CHE 113 4 Fundamentals of Chemistry I and Lab CHE 227/277
CHE 112 and CHE 114 4 Fundamentals of Chemistry II and Lab CHE 228/278

Criminal Justice

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
CRJ 101 3 Introduction to Criminal Justice CRM 303 or POL 303
CRJ 201 3 Criminal Law and Procedures CRM 377 or SOC 377
CRJ 202 3 The Police Process CRM 333 or SOC 333
CRJ 204 3 The Corrections Process CRM 464 or SOC 464
CRJ 302 3 Criminal Justice and the Community CRM 3XX
CRJ 306 3 Probation/Parole/Correction LAS 3XX

 Creative Studies

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
CRS 205 3 Introduction to Creative Studies LAS 2XX

Computer Courses

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
CIS 101 3 Computer Fundamentals CAP 100 

College Writing Program

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
CWP 101 3 College Writing I CPN 100
CWP 102 3 College Writing II CPN 101


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
DES 101 3 Introduction to Design 2D  ATS 102
DES 103 3 Introduction to Design 3D  ATS 113


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
ECO 101 3 The Economic System ECO 1XX
ECO 103 3 Economic History of the U.S. ECO 1XX
ECO 201 3 Principles of Macroeconomics ECO 110
ECO 202 3 Principles of Microeconomics ECO 111
ECO 305 3 Economic Statistics ECO 221


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
EDU 201 3 Introduction to Education EDU 270


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
ENG 101 3 College Writing I CPN 100
ENG 102 3 College Writing II CPN 101
ENG 151 3 Introduction to Poetry ENG 203
ENG 201 3 Advanced Writing CPN 101 or ENG 2XX
ENG 205 3 History of Cinema I CIN 101
ENG 210 3 British Literature to 1700 ENG 355
ENG 211 3 British Literature 1700-1914 ENG 356
ENG 212 3 British Literature Since 1914 ENG 2XX
ENG 220 3 American Literature to 1865 ENG 325
ENG 221 3 American Literature Since 1865 ENG 326
ENG 240 3 African American Literature ENG 251
ENG 260 3 Children’s Literature ENG 373
ENG 306 3 Creative Writing: Poetry PWR 213
ENG 353 3 Native American Literature ENG 256
ENG 390 3 Literary Criticism and Theory ENG 380

Exceptional Education

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
EXE 100 3 Nature and Needs of Individuals with Special Needs SPE 270
EXE 360 3 Foundations of Teaching Individuals with Disabilities SPE 270
EXE 361 1 Field Experience in Foundations of Teaching Individuals w/Disabilities EDU 3XX
EXE 362 3 Behavior and Classroom Management EDU 3XX
EXE 363 1 Field Experience in Behavior Management EDU 3XX

Fine Arts

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
FAR 101 3 Drawing I ATS 101
FAR 250 3 Art History I ATH 121
FAR 251 3 Art History II ATH 122
FTT 150 3 Introduction to Fashion Merchandising  ATS 1XX
FTT 206 3 Textiles ATS 2XX


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
FRE 101 3 Elementary French I FRE 101
FRE 102 3 Elementary French II FRE 102
FRE 201 3 Intermediate French I FRE 201
FRE 202 3 Intermediate French II FRE 202


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
GEG 101 3 World Natural Environments/Physical Geography GRY 110
GEG 102 3 Cultural Environment GRY 120
GEG 206 3 Geography of NY State GRY 481
GEG 309 3 Urban Geography GRY 250
GEG 364 3 Geography of Europe GRY 484


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
GES 101 and GES 103 4 Introductory Geology and Lab GLY 261
GES 102 3 Historical Geology GLY 262
GES 131 3 Astronomy PHY 150
GES 223 3 Environmental Earth Science GLY 160
GES 241 3 Meteorology GLY 371

Health and Wellness

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
HEW 204 3 Personal Health HLH 110


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
HIS 106 3 History of American Life I HIS 200
HIS 107 3 History of American Life II HIS 201
HIS 115 3 Foundations of Western Civilization HIS 110
HIS 116 3 Europe Since 1500 HIS 111
HIS 117 3 20th Century Europe HIS 111 or HIS 348
HIS 230 3 World Civilizations I HIS 100
HIS 231 3 World Civilizations II HIS 101
HIS 367 3 Modern Britain HIS 441

Health and Physical Education

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
HPR 207 3 Techniques and Theories of Baseball/Softball PED 1XX
HPR 208 3 Techniques and Theories of Swimming PED 189
HPR 209 3 Techniques and Theories of Basketball PED 1XX
HPR 335 3 Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries ATR 421 


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
HUM 100 3 Introduction to Humanities LAS 1XX


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
MAT 103 3 Introduction to Contemporary Mathematics MAT 105
MAT 110 3 College Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 111
MAT 115 Survey of Algebra and Trigonometry MAT 115
MAT 121 3 Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint I MAT 101
MAT 122 3 Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint II MAT 102
MAT 124 3 Pre-Calculus MAT 115
MAT 161 4 Calculus I MAT 135
MAT 162 4 Calculus II MAT 236
MAT 202 3 Introduction to Linear Algebra MAT 272
MAT 263 4 Calculus III MAT 237
MAT 270 3 Discrete Mathematics MAT 224
MAT 311 3 Introductory Probability and Statistics MAT 201
MAT 315 3 Differential Equations MAT 336


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
MUS 206 3 Music in the Movies MUS 2XX
MUS 112 1 Applied Music MUS 165
MUS 314 1 Concert Band MUS 3XX

Nutrition and Food Science

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
NFS 105 3 Food and People: Interaction & Issues HLH 1XX


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
PHI 101 3 Introduction to Philosophy PHI 100
PHI 339 3 Friendship PHI 3XX
PHI 317 3 History of Philosophy PHI 3XX
PHY 100 3 Physics for Non-Science Major PHY 100

Political Science

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
PSC 101 3 Introduction to Government and Politics POL 101
PSC 102 3 Introduction to American Government POL 100
PSC 203 3 Political Analysis POL 112
PSC 218 3 African American Political Culture POL 2XX
PSC 220 3 The Development of American Constitutional Law POL 403
PSC 240 3 European Political Systems POL 260
PSC 315 3 State/Local Government POL 326
PSC 325 3 Politics of Welfare POL 3XX
PSC 326 3 Politics and Media POL 338
PSC 333 3 African International Relations POL 3XX
PSC 340 3 Politics of  Developing Countries POL 362
PSC 355 3 American Political Thought POL 372
PSC 389 3 Special Topics POL 3XX – Departmental Review


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
PSY 101 3 Introduction to Psychology PSY 101
PSY 224 3 Social Psychology PSY 422
PSY 111 3 Personality: Theory and Research PSY 322
PSY 355 3 Lifespan Developmental Psychology PSY 333
PSY 356 3 Child Development PSY 231
PSY 357 3 Adolescent and Young Adult Development PSY 232
PSY 376 3 Health Psychology PSY 435
PSY 411 3 Abnormal Psychology PSY 421
PSY 450 3 Research Methods of Psychology I: Introduction to Research Methods PSY 202

Safety Studies

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SAF 305 3 Fundamentals of Safety HLH 121


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SCI 100 3 Contemporary Science SCI 320
SCI 231 3 Pollution, the Environment and Society EST 100

Social Psychological Foundations

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SPF 202 3 Child Development and Education PSY 231
SPF 203 3 School and Society EDU 270

Speech Language Pathology   

SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SLP 220 3 Introduction to Communication Disorders SHH 270
SLP 302 3 Clinical Phonetics SHH 280


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SOC 100 3 Introduction to Sociology SOC 150
SOC 240 3 Social Problems SOC 2XX
SOC 320 3 Sociology of Family SOC 470
SOC 323 3 Sociology of Education SOC 487
SOC 370 3 Sociology of Deviant Behavior SOC 373
SOC 380 3 Sociology of Crime SOC 3XX
SOC 390 3 Juvenile Delinquency SOC 462
SOC 420 3 Sociology of Religion SOC 475


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SPA 101 3 Beginning Spanish I SPA 101
SPA 102 3 Beginning Spanish II SPA 102
SPA 201 3 Intermediate Spanish I SPA 201
SPA 202 3 Intermediate Spanish II SPA 202


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
SPC 205 3 Introduction to Oral Communication COM 210


SUNY Buffalo College Credits Course Title - SUNY Buffalo State SUNY Cortland Equivalent
THA 106 3 Introduction to Theatre THT 100
THA 317 3 History of Theater: Ancient THT 161
THA 318 3 History of Theater: Renaissance to Modern THT 1XX