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Registration FAQs

I need to register, what is the process?
As a continuing-returning student, you are able to register for courses through myRedDragon. The registration period begins in April for fall and summer courses and in November for spring and winter courses. You will be assigned a specific time based on your “earned credit hours” in which you can begin to register. View registration instructions.

All new students will be registered for courses through an Orientation program.

What is a time ticket?
A time ticket is a designated period of time in which you will be eligible to begin to register for courses for a specific term. Time tickets are issued, and become available to students approximately one month before the registration period opens. All detailed registration information is located on myRedDragon.

What is a PIN number?
A registration PIN is a four digit access number that you will need in order to register.  This pin will allow you to register through myRedDragon once your time ticket becomes active. At the conclusion of your advisement meeting, you will receive your registration pin number, which will change each semester that you register for classes.

Do I have to see an advisor in order to register?
You are required to meet with your assigned primary advisor before every registration period in order to get your registration PIN number. You should review your Degree Works Audit prior to your advising meeting and come prepared with a rough draft schedule of classes you are interested in taking for the upcoming semester.   You will then be able to register on myRedDragon once your time ticket becomes active and you have received your registration pin from your advisor.

When should I make an appointment with my advisor and what should I bring with me?
Once the upcoming registration period is announced and time tickets are displayed on myRedDragon, you should schedule an appointment with your advisor. 

When and how do I register for winter or summer courses?
Winter and summer courses can be registered for at the same time as fall and spring courses.

What if I have class during my registration time?
Your time ticket is the time that you can begin to register. If you have class during that time, you should register once you are free.

What if I want to register for more than 18 credits of classes?
18 credits is the maximum credit hour load in any given semester. In order to register for more than 18 credits you must receive special permission from your advisor and associate dean.  If you intent to exceed the maximum course load you are required to fill out “Permission to Register for Credit Overload” form. 

I tried to register for a class and it gave me the message “majors only”.
Courses with a 600 section number are designated for majors only.  If you are trying to register for a course with a 600 section number it is designated for students in a specific major that is not yours. If you want/need to take that specific course, you should look for either a 001 (open section) or a 700 (non-major) section of the same course.
It is helpful to keep the following section numbers in mind when registering for classes:

010, 020, 030, 040       middle number generally designates quarter courses
400     courses are Honors program courses
500     courses require SPECIAL PERMISSION (see the department chair or program coordinator)
600     courses for designated majors only
700     courses for non-majors only
800     courses for Learning Communities or other special student cohort program

Where can I find information about prerequisites or requirements for majors?
Prerequisite information can be found on the course schedule - click on the course number or CRN # and you will come to the course details that will display course attributes, course-related details (such as majors included or excluded) and any other prerequisites.  Your Degree Audit  provides all information necessary to identify the requirements needed to fulfill any given major. Courses indicated with a blue clipboard with a check mark in the middle, have a prerequisite required. If you have problems understanding your Degree Audit be sure to ask your advisor for help.

Can I register for the next sequence of a course if I am currently enrolled in the prerequisite?
Yes, myRedDragon automatically assumes “successful completion” (with the minimum grade required) for the course you are in, that is a prerequisite for a course you plan to register for. However, if you do not meet the minimum grade requirement for the prerequisite course you are in, it is your responsibility to drop the new course for the following semester/term.

I am currently studying abroad how do I go about registering for the upcoming semester?
You should contact your academic advisor to discuss appropriate courses for the next semester and how to receive your time ticket and PIN.

I took a class previously and did not earn the grade I desired. Can I retake the course?
Yes, however you will need permission from the department offering the course to “retake” the same course prior to registering. You should check with your financial aid advisor to see how a retake affects your financial aid award.

How do you register for a course that requires a lab section?
Courses that require a lab section will list the lab underneath the lecture. You must register for both the lecture and the appropriate lab section at the same time.

I need to be full time. What does “full time” mean?
Full time undergraduate status at SUNY Cortland is considered to be 12 credit hours or higher. You should check with your financial aid advisor to see how repeating a course or going under the required amount of credits will affect your financial aid award.

I have a hold on my account, what do I do?
You need to contact the office, agency, or area that has placed the hold on your record.  You are not eligible to register, request an official transcript, or conduct other campus business if there is an outstanding obligation on your academic record. You will need to clear up any holds in order to be able to register.

To help understand the web registration error messages you are receiving, view the Registration Error Messages page..