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Try Something New During Healthy Campus Week

Try Something New During Healthy Campus Week


Health-conscious SUNY Cortland students can compete to win prizes this week simply by Tweeting photos of themselves doing Yoga, lifting weights or eating salad.

As one of only 38 colleges nationwide committed to Partnership for a Healthier America’s Healthier Campus Initiative, SUNY Cortland will highlight healthy campus activities all next week. The goal is to prove SUNY Cortland is one of the healthiest campuses in the United States.

Students can help with that effort while becoming eligible to win a Fitbit or $100 Target gift card. All they need to do is Tweet photos of themselves exercising, eating healthy foods, walking up stairs or demonstrating other healthy behaviors using the hashtags #HealthyCampus and #Reddragonstrong.

The students who share the greatest number of healthy selfies showing different types of fitness, wellness or related activities between Monday, Sept. 19 and midnight Friday, Sept. 23, win the first-place Fitbit and the second-place gift card.

A similar effort will be happening simultaneously at all 38 Healthier Campuses. SUNY Cortland organizers would like to see the Twitter hashtag dominated by posts from Red Dragons. To help students find all of the opportunities SUNY Cortland offers for a healthy lifestyle, the College will be highlighting a series of relevant activities and events throughout the week. A sampling includes:

Healthy Food. ASC’s nutritionist will offer information – as well as tasty samples – of healthy vegetarian meals at the Bistro on Wednesday. That same day, Neubig Dining will host its “Farmhouse Fresh” event during lunch and dinner, offering a special menu of fresh food from Main Street Farms, a local farm based in Homer.

Healthy activities: In addition to all of the regular workout activities available at the Student Life Center daily, there are free clinics in sea kayaking (6 p.m. Monday in the SLC pool); lead rock climbing (6 p.m. Monday at the SLC climbing wall); and belay rock climbing (7 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday at the climbing wall). Also at the SLC, students can participate in group exercise, mind body, martial arts or cross training classes offered next week. Students can also get involved in a spike ball tournament at 6 p.m. Tuesday or a volleyball tournament at 8 p.m. Friday.

Healthy relationships. The annual Take Back the Night March against sexual violence starts at 7 p.m. Tuesday on the steps of Corey Union. A safe sex fair will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Wednesday in the lobby of the Student Life Center.

A full list of opportunities will be sent to all students later in the week.

As a member of the Healthier Campus Initiative, SUNY Cortland pledged to provide a long list of specific, year-round opportunities in the areas of food and nutrition, physical activity and health-focused programming. In many ways, it was a promise to continue doing what the College has always done.

“Our participation in this important initiative reaffirms what many know to be true: SUNY Cortland stands out as one of the healthiest campuses in the nation,” said College President Erik J. Bitterbaum. “One of our institutional priorities is the well-being of all campus community members. I’m very proud that we meet or exceeded many of the partnership’s requirements.”