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Muslim Speaker Strives to Further Tolerance

Muslim Speaker Strives to Further Tolerance


Hatred and animosity can begin at a young age. As a female Orthodox Muslim, Zohra Sarwari is traveling around the nation to reverse those prejudices.

Sarwari, a spiritual leader, author and life and business coach will address current issues of intolerance towards Muslims and Islamic culture on Thursday, March 31, at SUNY Cortland.

She will share inspirational stories with humor and passion in her talk “No, I am Not a Terrorist” at 7 p.m. in Old Main Brown Auditorium.

Presented by Campus Artist and Lecture Series (CALS), the event is free and open to the public.

Sarwari works to cut through misinformation and hate regarding terrorism targeted towards the Islamic culture.

“Hatred isn’t going to get your life anywhere,” Sarwari said to Fox News in Toledo, Ohio. “It’s going to hurt you.”

Based off her book, No, I am Not a Terrorist, she opens a dialogue with her audience on difficult issues facing the world today. Sarwari pushes for equal respect among people of any race, religion or background.

“Forty-eight percent of Americans don’t like Muslims because 55 percent of them don’t know who we are,” Sarwari said in a report with CBS.

Sarwari came to the United States from Afghanistan at age six as a refugee. She married at 19 and began working full-time while pursuing her bachelor’s degree in psychology. Later, Sarwari received a master’s degree in business administration. She currently is working on her bachelor’s degree in Islamic studies.

While juggling her studies and actively being a mother to four children, Sarwari travels all around the world with her family to educate others. She is author of 10 books, including the groundbreaking Who Am I?, Are Muslim Women OPPRESSED?, and 9 Steps To Achieve Your Destiny.

A life and a business coach, Sarwari has called upon her personal experiences and entrepreneurial expertise to provide guidance to those who seek her help.

“My mission is to serve God by teaching others how to live effectively and productively and to benefit their communities with the gifts they are blessed with,” Sarwari wrote on her website.

CALS is funded by the mandatory student activity fee, the Cortland College Foundation and grants from the Auxiliary Services Corporation.

Visit the website for background about Sarwari. For more information regarding CALS events, contact the Campus Activities and Corey Union Office at 607-753-5574 or visit the CALS webpage at

Prepared by public relations intern Bethany Lunden