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B.F.A. Student Opens Watercolor Exhibition

B.F.A. Student Opens Watercolor Exhibition


Timothy Chave, a senior in SUNY Cortland’s Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) program, describes his artwork as a hearty blend of satire and toilet humor.

“I typically combine those elements with sincere reflections of myself and others,” said Chave, of Skaneateles, N.Y. “That results in paintings that are both humorous and poignant, on some strange level.”

“Hybrid Moments,” Chave’s B.F.A. thesis art exhibition, will be on display from Friday, Nov. 18, to Monday, Nov. 21, above the A Pizza & More restaurant at 104 Main St. in Cortland. His series of 36 watercolor paintings will be displayed on the building’s third floor in a brick gallery Chave prepared specifically for his exhibition.

An opening reception will take place from 6 to 9 p.m. on Nov. 18, with Chave speaking about his work at 6:30 p.m. From Nov. 19 to Nov. 21, the gallery will be open from 4 to 7 p.m. The opening reception and exhibition are free and open to the public.

Chave's creative approach relies on both the free-flowing lines of his sketching and the polished strokes of his painting to produce artwork that maintains “raw emotional energy,” according to the artist.

“These paintings incorporate layers of visual information that represent a conglomeration of place and time,” Chave wrote in his exhibition abstract. “The resulting environments are inhabited by beastly apparitions whose animal-like features harbor distinct and often comical personalities. These ‘hybrids’ add a living, breathing overtone to the work while allowing for the viewer to associate more personally with each piece.”

Chave said his family and friends inspire his artwork. A transfer student from Onondaga Community College in Syracuse, N.Y., he said his SUNY Cortland education expanded his creative spirit.

“SUNY Cortland has pushed me to approach a more conceptually-free artistic style,” Chave said. “It has driven me to create art that challenges my skill set and comfort zone.”

For more information on the exhibition, contact Chave.