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Campus diversity celebrated in a new venue

Campus diversity celebrated in a new venue


When SUNY Cortland students log in to MyRedDragon later this week they will receive a visual reminder of their community’s diversity and inclusiveness.

At the request of the Student Government Association (SGA), artwork from the university’s Beloved Community Diversity Narratives Project will appear on the student sign-in page.

All 25 of the project’s posters will rotate through the page. Each image depicts a member of the SUNY Cortland community and highlights both their individuality and the character traits that make them an important part of the university family.

The posters, put on display in Moffett Center and the Student Life Center earlier this fall, are the creation of visiting artist Adam Mastoon of Adam Mastoon Transmedia. In the spring, Mastoon and his team interviewed and photographed the 25 people who volunteered for the project.

The result is a series of artistic visuals designed to bring the university closer together in celebration of their many differences as well as their common humanity.